Sages, Chapter 12: Baskets of Fruit
POV X August 24th, 0900 (sharp). Tatego, Bælan. Two of the royal guards stood at the main entrance, waiting to greet and escort their important guest to the presence of no other than the king himself. General Uhruan strode up with his canine...
Hidden Desires: Forbidden Fruit - Remastered
The suns morning rays passed through Kylan's window and shined right in his face. It often made him wonder how something that's a couple hundred thousand miles away could be so accurate, every morning, that it could hit his face every time. Still, the...
Finding the Silver Lining Chapter 1
There was a female deer named wine, sushi, a small nurse shark who wouldn't meet zaryn's eyes, a hyperactive fruit bad named jaws who appeared to be undressing and raping the dragon with his eyes, and a cranky giraffe named driver who seemed irritated at having
Fatal Radiance - Chapter 13
The fruit bat was leaning close to lucille, as he closed his eyes and began to doze off.
#25 - Saddled With An Unstabled Partner
He shares his bed with his straight-laced secretary, co-ceo, and mate neal, who is a flying fox (aka, a fruit bat).
Monkey Butt
Rosie the fruit bat says, "you're so lucky. i couldn't wear a cute human outfit even if i wanted." pearl says, "but you have such a lovely natural cape."
A Chance to Touch
Meet chance, a fruit bat kid having his first experience. this sortof ended up a period piece because i poured a lot of my own nostalgia into it!
Manny's Alternative Anniversary Gift
**This is a fanfic focusing on two certain mammals.** **Blue Sky Studios owns Ice Age and their characters.** **I own this story.** * * * Manny's Alternative Anniversary Gift A week after the herd and Geotopians stopped the asteroid from...
An Unexpected Journey: Chapter 7 - The Village
After a moment of rummaging around he pulled out a few pieces of wungsing fruit, leftover from the day before. "here zanith," he said handing me a piece of the wungsing fruit. "thanks, i'm starving!" i took the fruit and ate it in a few bites.
An A-pear-ent Issue
The fox grinned as he watched his hand push the next fruit into sven's flustered face.
Gone Batty: A Second Taste
He lovingly wrapped his mate in his wings as he sank his fangs into tommy's neck then lapped up the fruit bat's mineral-rich blood.
Hung Up
Spotting dozens of fruits hanging from its leafy branches, almost dripping with moisture she was sure of.