Growing Pleasures

Luther let out a groan, beginning to thrust into the silty bottom of the spring as his body began to outgrow it. his cock, still harder than steel, pounded a deep hole into the spring.

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Izers Life 3: Mistress Emily

She would take him out to the shops, and he used the money they gave him to buy some new clothes and he was rapidly starting to outgrow the ones he had.

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Squeak Show!

As always, the one who outgrows them all wins! and as an added bonus this evening, please take a look up where the spot lights are pointing."

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The Last Surprise. (The Big Surprise Continuation and Finale)

They would soon become far too great for the humans to even think of hindering her and guilmon's bliss, she would be the most powerful digimon at last, and she would delight herself worshipping the manly stud in her arms as they would outgrow everything, together

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A Story of Light and Dark: Chapter Four

We're also very...stretchy, since most male dragons are able to mate only a year after they're born, and often outgrow female dragons in two.

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Berkley Transformation

The shirt still fits, i haven't grown a bit; that's okay, i'll outgrow it soon enough. i'm sure i'll need custom-sized clothes when i'm done growing, and these regular clothes will be like hand towels. i pump my arm again, again, again.

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Macro Tyler March #9 - Controlled Growth

Had he dared to look over his shoulder he could have seen an increasingly massive pair of arms and legs bursting out of the front and sides of the house like some perverse bastardization of alice outgrowing the white rabbit's house.

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New Fat Cow

I'm not going out eating if i'm going to be outgrowing my clothes." alicia giggled, but nodded eagerly. "oh, i know just the store!" with a wave of her hand, a portal opened in front of her.

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Manticore - Outbreak

It was as if her hands had lost circulation, and were now shaking off the numbness of dulled nerves while outgrowing her delicate, human proportions.

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A wolf in the frat - 8 - Our secret spot

Yet, they were tearing apart as he was outgrowing them. away from michael, away from the road, away from everything but the solitude of naked trees, jason fell to his knees in the puddle of fallen brown leaves.

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Kaiju Crunch - Taranth Kaiju Sergal TF

Chris huffed, his claws twitching as he continued to outgrow his house, the ceiling starting to crumble as pressure was applied against it.

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Waiting for Moon Rise

Soon your powerful frame will outgrow the trapping confirmes of your clothes. you stare in wonder as your hands writhe and twitch uncontrollably. you can see bits of fur covering the surface as your fingers grow longer.

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