My Wonderful Little Sister- A Poem for Katie
I wonder if he ever planned to? regardless, i'll just e-mail myself a copy for safe keeping, and if he ever decides to show me i'll try to act surprised. i should also come up with some sort of surprise for him in the meantime...hmm.
A Wonderful New Holiday Tradition (Illustrated by Dharken)
"ooh, xssmasss hasss come early.. what a wonderful presssent thisss sssexy cheetah isss!" boelen exclaimed.
My Wonderful Little Sister- Rush Hour
As I stood by the counter listening to Katie and Scott talk, my smart phone started buzzing. Casually I picked it up off the counter and answered, "Hello?" "What the...Kyle?" came a familiar voice. "John?" "What the hell are you doing answering Katie's...
My Wonderful Little Sister- New Friends
For one thing, she probably wondered why we were in such a rough neighborhood, but for another she was probably wondering what we were gonna do. it was around 3:15 when we finally got there, as school traffic flooded onto i-85 and slowed us down a bit.
Furries University Chapter 26: Wondering the Abyss
Thinking on the bruises around kitsune's body he stared at them, wondering. "i'm going to start following him..." shon said to himself in a whisper "this won't happen again".
My Wonderful Little Sister- Eviction Notice
I blushed heavily and looked at him, wondering why he'd make me paw myself when suddenly i felt him push two fingers of his own into me.
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 29: Wonder
I looked back at him, wondering if i could keep my silence, even as my body said 'yes-yes' to him. he reached to the side, slipping a tube out of his pack. i couldn't help the widening of my eyes, knowing what it was.
Furry Fox's Enchanted Encounters story
With a sense of wonder and curiosity, the furry fox moved away from the intertwined gryphon and mare, leaving them locked together in their passionate embrace.
Consummation (2 of 2)
It was simply out of this world to believe this could be happening to his wonderful woman, but here it was, right in front of his face.
Thine Eyes Have Seen the Wonder (Or: Squirrel With a View)
Besides, he wondered if he would've done the same. so no harm was done he decided.
Doodle Story: The Wonders of Your Feet (Alt. Edition)
#6 of pokemon/digimon war this is exactly the same as the original "doodle story: the wonders of your feet."
Wonders of Post-Apocolyptia Chapter 8 - Sinking Feelings
Stumbling into the appartment, Mark saw Derrick asleep on the couch. Sighing with relief, Mark helped Daniel to his room and lay him on the bed. Mark stared at Daniels chest as it rose and fell, it was almost hypnotising. Mark could have spent...