How to get Tamed by your Dragon

For all his experience, the lion clearly just lacked the skill and ambition that was needed.

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The Devil May Care 38

At least back then, he had some personal ambition, but now? ugh." "what's happened?"

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Final Fantasy IX:Legacy

They were both victims of ambition, and together they would ruin that ambition. they knew something was up...both fratley and garnet never, ever would do this willingly.


Venom, Episode 5

While most will be normal girls without any villainous ambition, they can't help themselves. they have to obey their elder sisters.

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The Trapped Bird

I can hear the songs of the other birds who are far more fortunate than i am to be singing and flying, their actions not limited by a cage or prison; those birds are limited only by their ambitions.

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The beginning of the end

After all he had awaited for this day for a long, long time indeed, and now he had the means to achieve his greatest of ambitions, freedom.

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Blink of an Eye Chapter 1

She was struggling to mold him although her efforts seemed for not, but this was her best chance to get to the throne while sating her ambition and boredom at the same time. something had to change if this was ever going to work.

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Courtship 2: Old Ghosts

I saw the death of ambition in you. all you wanted was to cling to me. to follow me around and help me with my life. had i let you, you might have just become an extension of what i wanted." my ears flattened against my head.

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[Commission] Hyaenathrope

These ambitions were lofty at best, and turned out to be an issue soon enough when complications emerged one after the other.

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Kalyee's Brood: Chapter Two

Yet as kalyee peered down from the ivy-entrapped balcony, she could feel a mix of trepidation, joy, and ambition swelling inside her.

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.11 - A Long Journey Ahead of Them)

It's always the 'what if's' when i think of the consequences and that it makes me wonder what i would do then when i completed my ambitions of searching a lucario.

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A Tangled Ball of Yarn - Ep4

He was a moderately successful party_apparatchik_, with ambitions to become one of the _vlasti_.

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