*PDS* Muriel And Oscar's Snowman - 2013
Lifting the sticks high enough was a problem, which was solved by oscar lifting her up with her holding one stick with each foot.
The hyena looked at the stick in his hand and then at the light brown fur that covered the young feline's back...such a beautiful back. there was no way he could bring himself to using the stick on this person.
Space for a time.
Better toss another stick of butter into the ripper.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 36: Trouble Me (We Go Down Together Part II)
sticks said sitting down next to naomi and annette. "what happened?" the freckled teen asked the male feline. "i did." "oh." annette and naomi said in unison. "so um, how was your day master sticks?"
Ranch Rounds - Ninetails
She is lying on her side with her large belly sticking out. he watches her from the path for a bit then walks closer. a smile crosses his face as an idea hits him.
A meeting after a long absence
"it would be a really big stick with you know, how sticks have like, smaller sticks coming out of them and stuff. maybe its wet cause it just rained too. you know how sticks are, probably wouldn't be that comfortable."
Let it Play (pt 1.)
She got her second set tied down and walked over to collect his sticks. she ran the pads of her finger paws over the carved images that were on the sticks to study them and commit them to memory.
Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 10
Jeseia replied, sticking her foot out just a moment to cause me to drop my walking stick. "but i did learn a few tricks during my short stay." we drew up to a small copse of trees, setting up a small camp earlier than we normally do.
Suncrest - Chapter 2
He knew the rabbit was big, but he'd only eaten one rotisserie stick. how was he already so full he could barely move? lying back in the grass, he could hear the other meat sticks taunting his weakness.
Grimms 3
The stick house of pig #2 the wolf came to another house. "sticks. will wonders never cease?" he walked up to the door, and stated "little pig, little pig, let me come in." "go fuck off, mangy fur-ball" my, my!
Aeternae — Brothers for Life
The herd of them stopped and aimed their sticks at shamirr and me. i called out to shamirr, but he did not hear me. when the first of them threw their shiny sticks i bellowed in dismay as they rained down over my charge.
I'm dying...and you don't even care?
She grabs her walking stick and goes to find the door. when she grabbs the metal door knob and it burnt her hand. she pulled her shirt up and put around the knob to open it. pulling the door open her fur gets warm.