Another Way to Poop Out Pop
_This story was written for [Wolfblade]( for his birthday, and I wanted to give some of his lesser-loved characters a bit of attention. So here we have Roni Collins and the country boy Todd, just coming off the scene of...
Birthday Surprise
This was an absolute joy to write especially because i'm not usually into partner swapping. but considering both characters are mine i can make an exception. can't help it, i'm greedy :p anyway, enjoy!
The Demon King's Revenge - Prologue
And with a simple body swap spell... "sallazar." he called. the bird jumped up in shock but quickly answered, "yes, my lord." "how loyal to me are you?" cyrus asked.
[Dolphinsanity, Passer-By] Trading Up
David had no idea whether or not the current occupant was still the one he had swapped with, and he didn't care.
Becoming the Bully, Part One
#1 of body swap stories susie can't keep her mind off of her boyfriend, sam, no matter how busy she really is.
Lonely Oak Chapter 117 - Senet
It wasn't much, but she could swap her last pawn with his second-to-last; it wasn't like his last two pawns being together mattered. "first swap of the game," he announced. she made a party-buzzer sound out of the side of her muzzle.
Random Trades Wrapup
Tanuki grinned, ushering them to the small and mid-sized machines respectively, "looking to reverse a swap i see?"
Test Runs
"body-swap~" i purr and smile. "so, i get your body and you get mine?" she asks.
The Halo: An Incident Involving The Man Up There
**The Halo: An Incident Involving The Man Up There** **-A grrside story-** My name is Sammuel Wind and I'm a complete outcast. Yeah, there's no doubt about it. Everybody knows it. You just have to look at their eyes when they pass me by on the...
Phase One: Invading Personal Space
"So, the festival starts in what? Five days? Feeling a bit anxious for it?" The Poliwrath asked his companion with a chuckle. The Sableye in turn glanced up at the water type and shrugged, "Just another assignment really. I see no reason to be...
Size Queen
Maybe with the morning would come some understanding....or even a reversal of this strange body-swap.
Finding a New Self, Chapter 6: Sale
When I woke, Aresh had already made breakfast, from her own supplies no less. I slipped up to the cooking stick opposite her, sniffed the bacon. There was way too much to be just for her. "Very good! Thank you." She smiled weakly. I looked down a...