Chapter 10: Emergence
._ she lifted her wing, and then her head, gently stretching her neck before looking at him. she chuckled softly again, cocking her head in a quizzical expression at the odd way he was sleeping. _why is he sleeping that way?_ she thought.
A Day in Heat
stretching out the ring of flesh that formed her vulva before it pulled back to form its two parallel ridges.
Family Matters - Ending of Beginnings
This time, it slipped in with much greater ease, making marina moan softly again as she twitched at the wonderful perversion of her body before she felt another one of zerrex's fingers moving in beside the first, slipping into her anus as well and gently stretching
[QC-38] Between a Tree And a Soft Place
It was clear that the pleasure she felt from the gentle stretch was enough to nullify her concerns about getting caught, at least for the brisk moment before she lowered herself again and pressed her chest to his, breasts squished to him.
Lab Rats: Cara and Her Flock
Cara didn't even get to breathe, the tapered length impaling her gently, stretching her out so much, filling her fuller than she had ever been. back arching, she came with the loudest sound she had ever made during sex, bar none.
Stellar Encounter
Her feathers feathers ruffled with the gentle stretch of their insistent entry, and once the first further loosened her passage, the rest followed with relative ease.
Commission - Oneshot - Nala's Heart
stretched her paws out to grasp his hooves.
Past His Limit
This time the wolf had all four fingers pinned to her thumb, pushing in, gently stretching.
Random Trades: Jeremy's Changes
He hadn't been sure what to expect, good feelings for sure, but... the feeling of the soft girth, opening him, gently stretching his inner walls as it slid into his slick little hole, was indescribable.
Chapter 6: Loosening Up
Biscuit gently stretched out his body as his belly distended fully with the ottery snack, the fluffy feline chuckling to himself as he felt his meal rub and grope about in there, and faintly heard that chipper otter voice talking...about something.
Matat Spa
Time gently stretched around them, feeling less important with each slow drag. a sliver of sunlight now peeked through the broad window, making the room seem brighter, the gold glisten more, and julie's fur feel softer against riley's body.
A Change of Heart
The male mistook her gentle stretch for another attempt to flee, and he immediately coursed forward to place the entirety of his body against hers in such a way that both dragons purred a gentle moan.