Ben tells a tale 7

I realized that for some reason i was thinking very clearly able to just discard anger like i had never been able to before and easily able to analyze what i could and could not do which seemed to be very little at the moment.

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Monster I Have Become: Ch. 4

My anger had been slowly rising since he started talking. "so you just decided to bring a war to a tiny forest that has nothing to do with you?!" i had gotten up and was looking at the flareon with anger in my eyes. "yes, that is exactly what i did!

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The Scent of a Lover Part 4

I took out my anger at you. you, the least person who deserves it now. you even offered politely to talk about it and i simply lost it.

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What is this sensation that I feel? Is it a figment of delusion or is it truly real? To pretend that what I think isn't real Like a child covering his eyes and ears To make it all go away To forget about his fears So go on Take a look inside my...

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_ my anger had quickly formed back to sorrow, with a sense of guilt. two innocent doctors came into the room, and stared at me, and then the body. "mr. maxwell..." they said gently to me.

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Cutie Academy - Chapter 2 "The Bakery"

This is the second chapter for Cutie Academy, enjoy! Let me know what you think! :D **Disclaimer:** All characters in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to real people or things, living or dead, is completely coincidental. * * * "Hey mom, do...

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Releasing the Beast

                The initial explosion blew of the windows in the place, and the noise of it was like no other anyone in St Petersburg could have imagined.  I was later put down as being a terrorist attack, though no group came forward to claim it....

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Pine Grove 5: Pain is Fleeting

Shane was left alone once again with nothing but his anger and a small sense of pride that he managed to hide that escape artist from his captors.

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Lady and The Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure: Understanding

A mixture of moan and growl exited her mouth as scamp bared her teeth at her, in obvious anger. "stay away now!"

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This Disease Called Hate

Verse I You look at me Just what do you see To make you feel the need To turn away and flee Chorus I'm not a disease Contagious as you believe I'm not a disease I just wanna be free I'm not a disease Not a disease, yeah... Not a...

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The Redeem: Chapter 4

I continued yelling, i don't remember all of it, i just yelled my fears and anger -- the frustration leaving my body in a soothing manner. then it was isaac's turn. "you stupid, selfish, bastard!" he yelled. "this is all your fault!"

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Rat Rebellion 15

Tags: no sex, execution, anger, fear, death, rat, fox, epilogue, series,

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