Ben tells a tale 7
I realized that for some reason i was thinking very clearly able to just discard anger like i had never been able to before and easily able to analyze what i could and could not do which seemed to be very little at the moment.
Monster I Have Become: Ch. 4
My anger had been slowly rising since he started talking. "so you just decided to bring a war to a tiny forest that has nothing to do with you?!" i had gotten up and was looking at the flareon with anger in my eyes. "yes, that is exactly what i did!
The Scent of a Lover Part 4
I took out my anger at you. you, the least person who deserves it now. you even offered politely to talk about it and i simply lost it.
What is this sensation that I feel? Is it a figment of delusion or is it truly real? To pretend that what I think isn't real Like a child covering his eyes and ears To make it all go away To forget about his fears So go on Take a look inside my...
_ my anger had quickly formed back to sorrow, with a sense of guilt. two innocent doctors came into the room, and stared at me, and then the body. "mr. maxwell..." they said gently to me.
Cutie Academy - Chapter 2 "The Bakery"
This is the second chapter for Cutie Academy, enjoy! Let me know what you think! :D **Disclaimer:** All characters in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to real people or things, living or dead, is completely coincidental. * * * "Hey mom, do...
Releasing the Beast
The initial explosion blew of the windows in the place, and the noise of it was like no other anyone in St Petersburg could have imagined. I was later put down as being a terrorist attack, though no group came forward to claim it....
Pine Grove 5: Pain is Fleeting
Shane was left alone once again with nothing but his anger and a small sense of pride that he managed to hide that escape artist from his captors.
Lady and The Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure: Understanding
A mixture of moan and growl exited her mouth as scamp bared her teeth at her, in obvious anger. "stay away now!"
This Disease Called Hate
Verse I You look at me Just what do you see To make you feel the need To turn away and flee Chorus I'm not a disease Contagious as you believe I'm not a disease I just wanna be free I'm not a disease Not a disease, yeah... Not a...
The Redeem: Chapter 4
I continued yelling, i don't remember all of it, i just yelled my fears and anger -- the frustration leaving my body in a soothing manner. then it was isaac's turn. "you stupid, selfish, bastard!" he yelled. "this is all your fault!"
Rat Rebellion 15
Tags: no sex, execution, anger, fear, death, rat, fox, epilogue, series,