White Woves
- he's just going to spend the night in the pillory, nothing more. what are you so worried about? - they're very small-minded here. i noticed that when they tried to throw rocks at me as i was arriving.
The Modern Huntress
Signet had plenty in stock so that was an easy kill. across the hall was the bookstore where she'd pick up a nice hardback fantasy/western/romance for their family friend harley.
Twists of Fate
Her white dress had purple accents, which matched her purple stockings and evening gloves. she walked up to him smiling and offered her arm. he took it wordlessly and they entered the gym.
Escaping the Storm: Part 1
Erik fought to keep his tongue still, watching his superior march off to disappear into another gap in the vast wall of stock. "...you dick."
The Dragon Lord - Chapter 4: The Trap
He placed the legs in their stocks and attached the wolfs' wrists to the top of the device. a few adjustments to the leg stocks and his pet was ready; tailhole easily accessible for anyone.
Your New Life
Dave continued, removing a pair of stockings and handing them to the fox. cameron felt better about this than he did the cage, but was nervous to see where dave was going with all this.
Character's Weapons
Has a black finish and wood stock and hand guard. -a mossberg 500 pump action shotgun chambered in 12 gauge. firing bird shot, buck shot or slugs. matte black finish, customized with a folding stock, red dot sight, pistol grip and pistol grip pump.
Elf Justice?
He looked suspiciously at the now empty stockade and felt at his neck, wondering if there was a similar mark around it.
Broadway Was Waiting For Me [Illustrated]
He let go of his stockings. where the hell was his will power?
Tybrus adventures part 5: The downfall of a giant.
A strong punch made him jerk up in the stocks, no sounds able to escape his maw as his balls flattened against the wood plank, like they would burst.
Ember's Tribe Part IV: Quenching
So much of it leaked out to streak the stockade and splatter on the stones but he swallowed more then he lost.
Zack led the lion towards the stocks, helping to securely lock the lion into the unique frame.