Flowering Love
"haha you have good taste, those ones are the best ones i found this year" she said as she handed estus the array of scarlet roses, he paid the shop clerk the money.
The Wolf in the libary: Chapter 1
His quaint muzzle leant heavily on his right paw; his left roughed the scarlet fur just below his ear.
Sharing the Lust: Part One
His wife, scarlet, smacked his arm lightly. "ethan! the condoms! you know we can't have one of us getting pregnant here, not when we're not ready!"
Of Hate and Attraction: Prologue
Along with scarlet, is her boyfriend lex, who is a lion and one creepy thing is, they know each other's schedules....creepy!! anyway, we all sit at the same table together except for clarisse, but we still have a good time.
Life Saver
When she withdrew it her fingertips were smeared with scarlet. she sighed, apparently exasperated.
The Masquerade part 1: Meeting
scarlet had said he was just up her alley, but whether or not they actually clicked remained to be seen.
Idol Desire
She was glad for that want and in that moment resembled the idol in its entirety save that her scales shined scarlet and she was much more lively in her gratification.
Chapter one: The Dance of Death
What drew his attention though was the scarlet lace collar around her neck, and at its center was a one of the lilies he had given her earlier that day. "so... how do i look?"
Black and White Frills all over Ch 3/4
scarlet i want you to arrange the masters breakfast and then see to the hallways before dinner" scarlet nodded, i knew cleaning the hallways was a bigger job than it sounded.
The Fox and the Mirror
In the mirror was what he could be; that is, sexy and smooth and scaled in scarlet. all he had to do was accept it.
Super Kitty vs. Scarlet Tigress
scarlet tigress super kitty stood on a mountain top, breathing in the cold, crisp pre-dawn air, her breath fogging as it escaped her slightly parted, crimson glossed full, pouty lips.
Night at the Party
Do you understand, scarlet?" i should also mention that both of scar's parents are normal black sergals. nobody knows where the freak red gene came from.