Foxie, Sunkra and feral surprise butt sex
The german shepard whimpers slightly as he still snoozes, licking his muzzle and his tail moving up and away from his tail hole.
Giving Them a Show.
The large german shepherd growled playfully as he took up position behind his little brother.
Reversed Roles - Part 3/3
The german shepherd did the same with his dogcock. lund's eyes widened and he realized that everything up to this point had just been foreplay. the guards penetrated him at the same time.
Cosmolube Part Three
The german sighed. "obviously i'm right smack in the middle of this, so... i'm just gonna leave you folks to chat."
Red Storm
The fight wasnt ovet yet, but the two were ready to fight anything the germans could throw at them.
Office Space
"why..." he pants quietly "why did you do this..." the german shepard pleads for a response while affectionate hands stroke his body.
Scrap: Abendrot
Yes, i do write poetry on occasion - maybe i'll post some sometime, so please don't take a rough translation of a german poem written by a barely-fluent german speaker as an example of my poetic abilities or style, heh.
Chapter 1: A new threat
"do you know anyone who speaks german? cause someone was chatting german on my old server" kit said. "i don't know anyone who speaks german, could you send me a photo of the chat?" trent asked.
Chapter 4: Jared's Tears
The tod giggled again and playfully shoved the german sheperd, "you know you're the only one for me, silly thing!"
Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 2 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)
Sampson started thrusting harder and faster the fox's ears flattened down as he's mated.... he pushed back in time to the german shepherd's thrusts.
I am, du bist ?Chapter 1: Who am I?
I stood up and searched for an english-german dictionary. as soon as i found it i ran to the table. it was my first german lesson with a real guy from germany. 'ich bin martin und ich bin achtzehn. und wie hei?t du?'
Tangles - chapter1: Wait, Who are You Again?
"so you wanna learn german huh? any reason?" eric asked aaron as they walked along.