Arms of the Enemy
Geran was only a few paces away; luckily the archers were fixated on the calls from the north.
New Beginnings and Dead Ends Part 18 : "Female?"
Itachi was the one to go after the archers which he delt with quickly more adept to such a long sword ,which was only a few inches shorter than he was, than kodi would be probably get to this level in a few months.
Silver Nights - Chapter 3
"archers! get ready to fire! on my mark! " the enemy, that was mainly consisted from footmen and archers behind them, started running towards the walls with the sound of their footsteps and battlecries filling the air.
The Freehorn's Scars - Chapter 3
A pack of hyena-like gnolls were fighting in close quarters with several of the merchants, and seemed to be winning thanks to the support provided by the archers.
The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 8
I watched it race towards the palace walls and destroy the archers aswell as the palace gate and some of the wall. now i had an easier way of getting inside.
Neroindra Saga; Chapter 1 --- The Invasion
"archers! bring that ursine down!" he called back to the captain of the two hundred equine archer brigade that was stationed atop the hill, mercilessly firing down on the battlefield.
The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 11
A group of archers emerged from the tree line, spyro called to cynder, but she couldn't hear him. spyro watched as an archer let loose and arrow, and he leapt in front of her. the arrow sank into his side, almost all the way to the feather.
The Balance of the Gods Part 1 (Commission for Xilimyth)
Xilimyth swung around, and threw her sword like a dagger, and it struck the archer in the chest.
Slice of Fantasy Chapter 1
At the shout to open fire, the archers unleashed a volley of arrows over the bronze helms of their comrades as they bobbed down the dusty slope and waded into the battle.
As five archers encircle nathan, though, his worry was more for himself.
The History Of Zato
===== "tell the mages to get the five wyvern leaders ready, those archers will kill them if they don't. we want zato dead, remember that."
The Gift - Part 1
Diana lynwood was a beautiful doberman archer from the fabled city of aldris.