Donkey Dong
"besides, that's what you got for pulling a nasty prank like that. becoming a donkey will do a world of good for you. here, let me help. i can't change your body, but i can do this." she cast another spell.
Tage im Juni - FREUNDE (5) - Ger
Niklas keuchte und umklammerte die pranke. der tiger bewegte seinen kopf nah an niklas gesicht. sein nasenrücken kräuselte sich. »ich kann es verdammt noch mal nicht ausstehen, wenn man mich anlügt!«, grollte er.
BlackBlood Ch 2
It was just a prank,sprx."jess move her tail near to her side."calm down,sprx."antauri looks at him. then sprx thinks up a idea,"hey, jess. you don't mind if you use your banshee wail for a another prank,will ya?"he asked."no way,sprx."she refused."
Kristall-Krieger - Kapitel 21: Geheimnisse werden gelüftet
Der löwe zog seine pranke mit einem grotesk klingenden geräusch wieder aus ihm heraus. er hielt einen schwarzen kristall in der pranke. zorus seelenkristall. ,,er hat ihn umgebracht!", rief suichiro.
Brotherly Love - Part 1 - New Beginnings
Bailey chuckled "i just meant it as a prank, i just wanted to make her sick."
graveyard dare
Sadly even though they were classed as adults they were still children so this was nothing new pranking girls or others.
Good Ol' Possum Fun
"we could try to prank someone." crash replied. "i don't think that's good enough." the younger brother stated. "true... we've tried like a million pranks and we're good at them." the elder brother replied again.
Mt Tabor
#2 of little beirut | season 1 it's just a prank, bro! nichola's casual spin on will's undiplomatic response to a very bad prank turns into a much bigger story than anyone had anticipated. meanwhile, it's date night.
Unterirdische Hallen
\*, schnell legte er seine linke pranke vor die schnauze, kniff die augen zusammen und nieste. langsam zog er seine hand zurã¼ck, als ein dicker fetter gelblicher schnodder seine pranke fã¼llte.
Grounded: Ch. 3
As far as dumb pranks went - and this was surely a dumb prank; what else could it be? - it was not one of the better ones she had seen. or heard, as the case may be. she sighed and rolled her eyes again.
A Bully's Kindness - Part 1 - The Bully
Pots reached out a big muscular hand and grasped terrence by his polo shirt's collar and said, "listen, you may be able to pull all the pranks you want on me 'til i find out it's you who's pulling 'em; but never and i say again, never, pull anymore pranks
Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 1
Sure this could be a discord prank but he learned long ago that i prank back hard. so this is legit. when i see my twilight again, i'm gonna send her to the moon. bang! zoom!' till then she was going to need information.