Big Money
He watched eagerly as ben rubbed his cheek against the warm rod. flicking his tongue from his muzzle, the cheetah gave the tip a tentative lick, the slightly salty taste of pre lingering on his tongue.
Keys to my Loin
I watched the video it linked to. i will admit that i touched myself. i will also admit to creating an crosscrosscross account just to download the video.
A Scary Ambush, A Sexy Retreat
She sets about having them strip naked, and thereafter, she takes naira for everything that the girl is worth, while ardanis is forced to watch.
Forbidden, Fulfilling, Fruitful Love
She whimpered as her insides were stretched to the limit by the male luxray, but aiko, much as she wanted to stop and watch, had to keep talking.
And the Darwin Award goes to...
Lord ruthbert, proud husband of lady odelia, loved watching them through a peephole and sometimes being sucked off by one of the female employees.
TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 26 watching friends
For her today had been very unremarkable, just watching the battles of her friends. flannery's match had been a good one and also ember had been a fun one to watch. inge did feel a little bad about her loss to ember yesterday.
The Line Of Life Or Death - Chapter Two - Watch Your Fingers
#2 of the line of life or death the line of life or death - chapter two - watch your fingers chapter two is here. for those who have kept reading from chapter one, good for you (maybe).
Junior Year at Tiger High: Chapter 5, But the nuns are watching...
Wow I know I suck. I never seem to post a story fast enough. Well it's a snow day so I guess ill just write this now. Anyways this is an adult story. 18+ or just don't get caught. Lots of furries and maybe some large bears doing it. Be...
Watching From on High (A Jeeves Flash Prompt, Posted with Permission)
In his head, he was imagining a video he'd watched just last week.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 122: Knight Watch (Conclusion)
My mistress parked the blue coupe on a nearby side street as the three of us watched the demonstrators. "that is interesting where is the rest of the knight core?" the human whose lap i was sitting on said watching the crowd.
Peppy's Humiliation
"well, yeah, but mainly because i want you to watch." "what?!" fox gasped. "yeah, you heard me!" wolf laughed. "you're gonna watch while we fuck your buddy there!" "you can't be serious!" fox glared. "you expect me to just sit here and watch this?!"
The Employee's Kid
Get over here and watch what i'm about to do to your boy."