Unicorn Nightmares
She felt a twinge of fear, a single thought rising up into her blank mind, fear. just as soon as it was there, it was gone. walking. walking.
Aran Comes Around
Almost blank-mindedly, he began do undress. the laces of his boots took agonizingly long to untie, and he accidentally tied one of them into a knot instead of freeing it.
Lisa's Bad Fur Day - Part 4
Lisa was blissfully blank minded, she enjoying the silence of her body and the barn around her. suddenly she felt her metronomic heart flutter. she breathed in deeply. it was nothing, she told herself. it happened again.
Story Give-Away 2: Games with the Soul Dew
Latias smiled at her brother as she floated up a bit, letting his blanked mind see her from below. see how wet she was. see how much she wanted to keep playing. "i've been wanting to play this game for a long time, latios," she said.
Is this really me?
He stared blankly at the ceiling and the mink's smiling face as his blank mind attempted to grasp what was happening. his consciousness was like a cloth in the wind.
'relax ....relax.....give in.....relax.....calm.....no thoughts.....calm mind.....blank mind....relax' the words flashed, echoing in her mind along with the mouse's voice. her beating heart and racing mind could barely put up a fight.
The Golden Hymn and the New-Found Flesh [Part 4]
But i will be the one to enjoy his first climax, fully and properly.he is still wrapped like a parcel, kneeling, his limbs bound and his body wriggling as he gazes up at me with nothing short of blank-minded awe."
Pains and Pleasures
Tulip began to scream and royal followed suit as they began drowning each other in their juices and they released the feeling of lust to consume them in their orgasm and they overwhelming emotions and sensations sent them into a blank minded state of consciousness
In His Rags
And so he was there, incollato alla televisione2, watching an episode for the fifth time in his life, and just staying as blank-minded as possible.
Masks (HH)
"your buddy victor sounds pretty cool, though, from what you've said," marker said and made me almost jump off my seat when his words broke into my temporarily blank mind. "oh?" i asked quickly.
Being Held Back
The strong stretch starting to ebb into lottles otherwise blank mind as she wailed in ecstasy, her long drawn out cry a mirror to the tension of her lips as they were forced to conform around his knot.
Control of Beasts
'must have that tasty juiciness' was the one thought going through the two wolf digimon's blank minds before moving their tongues in their mouths all over tips of each other's cocks as the cum continued spouting out.