Very Hungry Partners 1
Well, one got thirsty for the big things when reality kept offering up disappointments.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 17: How Do You Cure Fear? (World Tour Part IV)
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 17: How Do You Cure Fear? (World Tour Part IV) ** Day 26 (6:03 PM The Frost's Farm House) "Overwatch was right, there is no way to really do this. We can't force our way inside- too dangerous." I...
Going Along with Ghar
On some level he was happy to see keith as well but he couldn't help but be disappointed. after their many voice chats that formed an idea of the other male in his head.
Walk With Me, Not So Close -- Introduction: A New Day Brings New Disappointment. Always.
**introduction: a new day brings new disappointment. always.** **reidan** i exit my dad's car, feeling almost elated. today is the first day of junior year, and i intend to start it off on the right paw.
Wolford's Unveiling - Part Three
# Three: Try to be Assertive "We've picked a lovely apartment, we brought it for you, and we'll cover your bills whilst you're in academy and until your first pay cheque. Timberland insisted we needed to keep your name off any records of ownership...
Percy's Life Part 4 (final) - Road to Servitude
I just didn't want to disappoint him again... over time, bo grew tired of me. he more and more relied on other boys who were more experienced than i and knew how to please him. bo saw other guys beside me before, and i was aware of it!
The Ballad of Phillip: Chapter 6
"so are you", i said, "i can't believe you think i'm a disappointment" "i didn't say you were a 'disappointment' i said i'm disappointed in you as in i'm disappointed in your behavior. what the hell phillip?!", aaron said.
An Ounce of Hope
All the people i've disappointed... those i've been lying to... i don't think i could ever return... honestly... i'm sure i even managed to disappoint my parents the day i was born.."
fallen gods, 1; It's tough to be a good
I did everything you told me, and i disappointed them. they all looked so yesterday. i just couldn't continue. and now disappoint them even more by not being there for them." she blurred her head under her paws. "i thought i was ready!
An Eevee's Chapter - Chapter Two
It had hurt, but he never said a word of it or ever mentioned being disappointed in her.
This Is Me Challenge. Dreaming of the future.
This body of mine, is a body that is riddled with impatience and unhappiness created from endless disappointments. as i mature they rise up on all sides of me, these endless disappointments.
Partners Chapter 1 - Resolve
"you're disappointed in me." i say, eyes still locked on his. i falter, though, cringing at the thought of his disappointment and looking down at the floor to avoid his condescending stare. my heart is racing, i never thought i'd be shot down so quickly.