Meet Me in the Palace
Strife with magnificent plant life and abundant with the sound of commerce just outside its walls, the glorious palace was a place to behold.
The Palace of the Minotaur Queen
Then again, all the windows in the queen's palace were the same way... the second the black paw entered, he was greeted with lazy sitar music and sweet perfumed air hitting his nose.
Coronation Day, Chapter 10
A veteran sekhama called, pointing to spot as the young wild dog entered the palace armory. "time to earn that badge, spot!"
A Little Less Counselor, A Little More Concubine 9
The lion strolled naked into the palace, his eyes fixed straight ahead, refusing to look to his sides as he passed by old advisors and the nobles that were taking the season within the palace rather than out at their own estates. let them look, he felt.
Coils of Power (Prologue?)
The palace almost glowed like a crown jewel. a large staircase lead to the gaped mouth of the palace entrance. dozens of tall chiseled pillars stood like teeth of an unwelcoming dark maw of shadow.
"oh, of course, of course, you shall find my daughter in the palace gardens, i shall send for a servant immediately to show you the way, or, show you your quarters first, should you wish for it?"
A Male slave in Jabba's Palace
When young luke was first brought in to the palace he was posted as a helper in the kitchen and server to jabba.
Vadim, Chapter 11: The Palace
The palace was now right in front of their faces, not more than 30 feet away. they made their way around the side of the palace where there were no visible lights through the windows, and threw another grapple to the rooftop.
Search for the Kindred Chapter 3
"then i give permission for this witch to enter my palace." i looked up to see the southern goddess staring at me. "come." she boomed, gesturing to the inside of the golden palace.
A Little Less Counselor...Chapter 21
Fyacin finishes her fun with masaru, and goes on a bit of a prancing pleasure romp through the palace.
A Little Less Counselor...Chapter 17
_...please tell me that was more a shout and less of a shriek,_ the lion thought, fleeing towards the garden complex of the palace.
Syngeneia Kathairein part 35
Kirpichnikov loaded this palace up with eximite!" disarria smiles as she got an idea ''the gravity affecting stuff? you going to make this palace fly?!'' you and koriza get excited too.