In a Manor of Speaking
Waiting a few minutes to ensure that he was gone, he left his room, to explore, and to speak with the other servants.
Speaking in Tongue
"And, lastly, miss Needle," mumbled Desmond Lankett to nobody but himself as he perused his schedule. It was six in the evening, the end of a sweltering day, and a record dozen tenants had reported service failures. Protocol dictated a triage where he...
Mango and True Speak - 2
#2 of true speak mango struggles to practice his power, and gets a little hungry. what to do.
Golden girl of Wagstaff: Chapter 3
Martha could be a dog, but ever since she learned to speak, she had been involved with humans much more than anyone of her species; she had adopted a lot of behaviors and habits from them too.
Martha Speaks Dognapping Chapter 1: Dognap
"so who taught you to speak? your mom? your owner?" "i kind of learned by myself" "really!?" the man leaned over impressed.
Mango and True Speak - 1
He had wished for true speak. the woman asked him to clarify, and mango wasn't sure if it was apprehension or unbridled excitement on her face.
Martha Slips Up
#2 of martha speaks martha almost manages to stick to the letter of her promise. t.d. develops new interests. martha couldn't keep such a big secret for a week. she couldn't keep a secret for a day. she couldn't even keep a secret for an hour.
Martha Keeps a Secret
Now she speaks.** **-- how now brown cow?** **martha speaks. yeah, she speaks and speaks and speaks and speaks and speaks...** **-- what's a caboose? when are we eating again?** **martha speaks...** **-- hey joe, what d'ya know!
Martha Speaks Dognapping Chapter 2: Bad Girls get Punished
#2 of martha speaks: dognapping don't be a pain on the arse, or else such treatment shall come back at you.
Mango and True Speak - 4
#4 of true speak mango struggles with his desires and social mores. how easy is too easy? the next day, it was time to hit the mall. mango, with the buxom eve on his arm, were dressed sharp.
Speak the Neon, Langer
**speak the neon, langer (call me!)** _by the brain of lazarus_ goddamn was this town hot. langer had never gotten used to the heat.
The Lion Speaks Up
** ** \* A bit different format this time - hope you enjoy this, and do feel free to add you questions! :P \* Hello, guys! I've received so many questions about my career and my life at the moment, lol, so I thought I'd run past a few of...