Tracking the Huntress
It would have been like clockwork if she could keep track. day and night blurred and most of the minutes seemed the same. she had no sense of time as it started to become weeks that would pass. "this is a channel three news special report.
Track Meet
After their cool down lap around the track, the track team went to hit the showers as they did after every meet. as all the various species of competitors came into the locker room, the smell of adolescent sweat filled the air.
Blood Tracks
#1 of blood tracks blood tracks. computer entries of the experiment process on subject 7 written by the deceased former director of the genetic division of world security.
Track Star
The cheetah was one of the university's hopefuls; a recently recruited track star fresh out of high school that had dominated the state track and field championship.
Track and Field
He cursed himself for not having the good enough sense to steal his older brother's track shoes. it wasn't like devon needed them anymore. devon was at college and was never around anymore.
Changing track
Melody and britney had lost track of time, they had no idea how long they'd been passed around between the group of men.
Tracking The Hunter
Tide had tracked down many feral animals before, explored long-abandoned cities, dived down into the deepest depths of the ocean to recover a sealed-away artifact, but he had never in his time as an explorer had to try and track down feral dragon-like himself
Track Team
Before him loomed the cheetah, rico, the star captain of the track team, and though the male was no different in size to himself, he poised his height over the digimon with a snickering sneer on his muzzle.
back tracking
Red lands hard on the ground '' ouch''\* his legs start giving him the feeling of ice-cold needles stabbing into his legs \* red '' as much as I love our hellfire attack I fucking hate the side effect of my landing everytime "oh i forgot about that...
track day
I groaned and got up today i would see frank again, and there was no track day today was classroom only.
Twice bitten, once shy: Chapter 1
Since track and field was objective it gave lex a chance to just jog lazily around the track or talk to abby. abby martin was the girl who had run beside him at tryouts. not only was she pretty, but she was super nice too.
Rising Anew-Chapter 9, part 2-
. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* the red eyes flaired their blood lust as the beast followed the tracks it had found. it knew that its prey was close. with a silent feral growl, it unsheathed its wicked jagged blade and continued its tracking.