Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 2)
His bed was a double sized one and underneath it there was a few boxes with child hood memories and forgotten toys stuffed inside. there was a chest of drawers on the right side of the room and a tv hanging on the wall facing the bed.
Silent Void
I spent my child hood cleaning waste junctions below all that though. orphans learn quickly in the void, there's no one to help you; we either grow fast or die and if the latter no one would cry. the imperium fell when i was nine.
The Incident
Slowly grisswold started to remember bits of his child hood; running, playing, and all manner of childhood games but, strangely nothing specific like locations or names besides his own.
Chapter X, Chained
But the hideous face of the crates inhabitant brought back memories of his child hood in zikh. his mind crept back to the memories of sitting on the floor near his grandfather, as he told dark tales.
Shattered Freedom, Chapter Thirteen
"want to tell me about your child hood?" "i just did." throttle shrugged. "you've done amazingly well for such a traumatic time, to still be clear headed as you are.
Back to the Start
We both had shit parents that eventually left and rocky child hoods. but where life seemed to always take a crap on fin i always was in a fight with it , and somehow fin was better than me. he was just a better person.
Changes-Chapter 2, The Morning After.
We talked a bit more about our child hoods too. matt told me about his parents a bit more. how his dad was more accepting of the gay community than his mother was and that he was afraid of his mom ever finding out about him.
Espeon X Umbreon
Umbreon looked at her and ralts could see the same hatred i always did "psychic pokemon ruined my child hood, but your not one of them." he turned to leave and said before leaving "don't let others crush your dreams like i did."
The Squall: Chapter one
Shaun didn't have a very good child hood. his father was abusive and always had a beer in his hand. just for accidentally spilling a little bit of oil in the garage, his father came at him with a butcher's knife.
Jaded Journeys ( pt 2 )
The red numbers that ticked away, like some demonic child hood monster. he was out of the window before he even knew what he was doing, falling through the air as he turned. it was all still going in slow motion..