619 Swan Dive
Consult the readme at https://www.sofurry.com/view/729937 save point: swan dive somewhere in peru, 1983 ...as she sprints around the corner into a hanger, almost completely undamaged except for a few fractures in the roof, she is almost bought to a halt
Po's Last Dive
He said the word dive with one certain tone that made po worry. the great water buffalo turned to him "have you ever dived in the sea? no? it is fantastic!"
Diving In The Deep End
I was putting my foot into the deep end, i was always told that you should never dive into the deep end and now i could see why....
The Diving : Prologue - Memories
That was all the invitation ta'kom needed to dive tongue-first into calima's heated snatch.
Cave Diving [Sketch]
Matt squirmed where he hung in the huge Pokémon's grasp, breath coming and going in little huffs after a failed retreat following his utter defeat. Blue, his small Buizel, lay on his back on the floor of the cave below, completely drained of energy and...
Deep Dive [Commission]
"So how did you get here today? If you don't mind me asking. Since, y'know, normally you're not... so..." The wolf gave his biggest, widest grin, though he knew in his current state it might not look like much. Normally it would be out of the...
Cloud Diving with Dragons
No, he was more the sort of dragon to dive in head-first with his silver-black heritage embodying the very best of both types of dragons.
Diving Into Centaur Pussy
I was just a normal guy down on my luck teleported to another world. Out in the middle of a freezing prairie, I struggled in my t-shirt and shorts to find any semblance of warmth. I wasn't out long before the pounding of hooves told me I wasn't...
The Family Dive Story
#1 of stories so thehotrodhero asked if i could do a story based on the picture of striker's family going scuba diving and i said i would so. so here we are: the companion story of the vorster family's diving expedition.
Underwater Peril [Drowning, Rape]
It was a pretty average day at the diving school, early in the morning eusku was giving a lesson about emergency ascents to his students.
26 A New Opportunity
As she looked down the trail at the two cubs, each taking pictures of everything in their path, she asked, "so did you two come for the sights or you up for some cliff diving?""
Scuba Clash
Then, they both put on their detachable fins over their diving boots, equipped their breathing devices, checked the pressure gauge, then tested out the air flow. so far so good!