Clueless Season 2: Homecoming out Part 11
Just like 2-3 more chapters and then the homecoming out arc is done! woohoo! please leave a comment if you so desire i always appreciate input ^^ homecoming seemed to turn my world upside down.
Homecoming Dance
homecoming king and queen. of course.. jake was always homecoming king. the one year he hadn't been was because he wasn't able to attend. seeing kate up there, with her nervous but excited little smile, jesse couldn't help it.
High School Homecoming
"excited for homecoming than? he had completely forgot that it was homecoming week, despite the decorations filling the walls. normally i'm not one for school events but i think this one might be something special."
Clueless Season 2: The Ultimate Breakdown (of Ultimate Destiny) (Homecoming Out Part 6)
That, and i had wasted any sort of chance to make the homecoming dilemma with francesca better in a hazy blur of passing time.
Clueless Season Two: Gateway to Gay (Homecoming-out Part 9)
I'm one of the nominees for homecoming queen! people will revolt if i'm kicked out, especially if it's by some faggy mexican midget!"
Black Rainbow Pride: Homecoming Out Part 10
On the night i finally mustered the resolve to come out of the closet, i was still stuck with a girl as my 'date' for an lgbt homecoming dance.
Luca's Story Ch. 8
But homecoming was yet to arrive, and already people were whispering about the newfound couple of zee polaski and luca reingold as being part of the homecoming court. they were sophomores, true, but that made them eligible to be the duke and duchess.
High School of Cliches: Homecoming
Announcements spoke about how today marked homecoming week, with today being twerk day (don't ask), and this friday being the annual homecoming football game and dance afterwards.
Clueless season 2: Bropocalypse (Homecoming out part 4)
You wanna go to the homecoming dance with me?" alistair's ears perked upwards and his short tail began wagging as he jumped up, "yeah bro, you bet your ass i wanna go to the homecoming dance with you! hella respect!"
The state highway wove gently through miles and miles of incredible foliage, even for so late in the year. Many trees had lost leaves, but not all, and many of the leaves - yellow, gold, brown, red, purple, orange - were piled up in huge heaps along...
**homecoming** - chapter 13 in the chronicles of the dragonrider warboss grognark yawned mightily as he stepped from his hut, blinking against the noonday sunlight. he'd slept in, all right. well, why shouldn't he? he had a tough job.
(July 19, 2013: Boston)Susan Shelby, a twenty-five year old gray chinchilla, sat in the passenger seat of the 2013 Corvette as she stared at the name in her contact list: 'Darren Escher', the father of her niece. Could she still call him her...