DD's pornstar life: Prolouge
But as it implies, it follows a male pornstar bat named dd, who's been having a lot of deep introspection lately. feeling like he wants to do a little more with his life, and pondering how he got to this point.
A Pained Soul
My thoughts are turned to introspection, searching my soul and assessing my life. i want to be heard, i want my pains to be known, but i don't have the courage to make them known.
Analog Pt. I
Hidden beneath the mask and goggles, rob's face bore an introspective gaze, as he thought about his latest chicago adventure.
May Poems of 2018
I put hangars onto this shelf, as i use introspect, my life is sized. it's not the best life, not the worst, in the past, of this i cursed. ill thoughts be gone, if this is my story, i'll sing long.
How I Fell in Love
I was quite the introspective person, and that seemed to turn female after female away. i was starting to feel hopeless when the most random thing happened. it was a sunday in the summer.
Top Space
A short scene exploring daddy/daughter bdsm sex from the perspective of an introspective top uncomfortable with his mind. "daddy!" somewhere in his mind the words burned him. they hurt a deep and troubled part of his soul.
The Western Cube 13
#13 of the western cube tatyana manages to get some time for introspection and realizes a few things about herself.
The Basics of Roger Draco's Bio
After 11 years of introspection, guidance from retro & casually by his parents, & harnessing of his talents, & frustration with the personal & local pain & stress caused by the xenophobic, reactionary, 1950's social conservatives, & their
The Fox and the Berries and the Mushrooms
Always introspecting like this? and he still really wanted a berry.
Only to find... nothing
But it did serve to reawaken the need for the thoughtful introspection that he'd put off last night.
Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 21: White Paper: Positronic Neural Nets
The relative lack of external stimuli, combined with slower resolution, means that larger pnns tend to be more introspective.
A good morning
A sexy introspective pease bzzzt... bzzzzzzzzt... my eyes fluttered open groggily as my arm frantically searched for the snooze butten.