The Fireborn: Cold as Hell
You are what some might call a pagan and you certainly carry yourself as i think a pagan priest he a celtic, moorish, saxon, nordic or roman.. should. thing of it is for a non-christian you are very removed from christianity.
'Tis The Season
They had each been born into pagan families, and had always followed the wiccan traditions of the rowan coven, as had their parents and siblings before them.
The Secret - Part 17
And since it's a private school rather than a public one, they have a very pagan-friendly attitude. would you like to consider that?" "wouldn't make much difference to me," hans said.
His friend, "Rath" - Chapter 1
The drums and crude song of pagans that rejected christ for thor, pagans that welcomed and admired the black moors as they enchained men of all colors, pagans that claimed war upon troll and human alike, pagans that debased and debacled their white flesh with
The Secret - Part 13
Most of the vehicles in the parking area were vans or small, energy-efficient cars, all bearing pagan-themed bumper stickers.
Account of Presumed Ecstatic Experience during Initiation Rite in Unidentified Mystery Religion
It doesn't really matter how I died. Whether of time or tide or tiredness, But after this, the journey of my life I woke, to find myself in a dark wood. The way was lost, the night was long, and I Was more alone than I had ever been. It...
an Endless Voyage Ch 57: The Royal Ball
Well hellenic pagan earth weddings anyway. she had never seen or heard of their orher practices and only knew of this as tom had once explained it to her.
Choose your own adventure (CYOA), Steel Quest: Intro.
However, they embrace pagans and psychics alike, and enjoy unity and internal harmony. many pagans travel there to study, and escape persecution. their tech is integrated with magic. this they use for study, and to make life easier.
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 13.5) BONUS
In the world of itsom it is one of the ritual chants of the pagans of the amble valley - a call and response chant. father francis will have to face this down later on. what are they offering, to "the god"?
My night Before X-Mas
But sadly, i am pagan. \*wink.\* 'twas the night before christmas, and there was no food in my house. my cigarettes were gone and ill blame that on my spouse. so i picked up my keys and dashed out the door. hungry, desperate i had to have more.
Saloon Knight
She is not comfortable with him because he is a pagan priest and not a proper parson of the one true god as she rubs the gold cross around her neck nervously.
All Souls' Blight
It was wild, it was free, it was pagan. then val started singing, and the others would repeat her phrases in a choir after her.