Mortality Chapter 3

pessimist was there too, kicking them and setting them alight with a flaming wok. horndog was nowhere near them muttering something about 'boobies' but they were just too many!

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Pray for Daylight

"do you have to be so pessimistic?" "i was born here phillips." "still...." she trailed off. he was almost impossible to talk to. he yawned again. "meat wagon around?" she hated that term. "yes.

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Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse Character chart

**traits** optimist or pessimist? pessimist with a optimists heart. introvert or extrovert? extrovert with manic introvert moments when a situation explodes in his face. daredevil or cautious? daredevil.

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Whatever it Takes

He always was the pessimist but he could've at least encouraged him somewhat before leaving. whatever support, how little it may have been, would've made it seem like less of a total suicide. you're overreacting, he told himself.

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S1 Ep 13 Akira and Kage's backstories

He can be very pessimistic at times depending on how things can go for him.. "hey k-kage? m-mind if i say something?" akira said, blushing hard to him. "sure go ahead, and your face is very red," kage said.

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Recursive Cycles

You have to ignore that pessimistic self-destructive voice and do something. you are in control of you. nobody else can change your life for you. it's scary - trust me, i know it's scary - but you can do it. i'm not an optimist.

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  i'm never much of a pessimist (and i don't usually write short prose like this), but this is a little thing i picked up from a writer on fanfiction.

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Lagomorphs -- Chapter 3: Colloquium

Nathan seemed to have gotten even more pessimistic since luke had moved in with him, but jeff envied their easy-going relationship. "los alamos might, though. they certainly have access to some, ah, highly energetic sources.

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GoD-Ep22-Darkness Civil war-

Personality- pessimistic but quiet, tries his best and is fairly confident in his singing voice.

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"oh stop being pessimistic, it is just coincidence," said jo. i was about to retort back before my ears picked up a familiar throat clearing.

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Entry #1 (July 15)

Such discontent and pessimistic ideas begin to fill this bottle to keep from slipping.

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