A Size Too Small
Sometimes you really need to make sure you have the right sized condom... enjoy my stories? want to see some that are unreleased? check out dark desires and moon cursed.
Up-sizing workforce
Just some quick words before your show begins. 1. Time is measured not in hours and minutes but in fractions of the day, 'half' is twelve hourse, 'eighth' is three, etc. 2. Age of majority in the city is twenty one. The 'girl' mentioned is actually...
Sizing her up
The female fox sized up essatina slowly as she leaned over and blew a kiss and a wink. "need something...different, today honey?" essatina teased as she was examined. hequet grinned as the horse offered herself. "how much?"
Different Sizes of Love
The said coffee was unusually large and compared to what leon was holding, which was just an ordinary size, it was twice in comparison.
Size Does Matter
The horse huffed through his nose, sizing juniper up like prey as his eyes scoured every inch of the bunny's smaller form. apollo said nothing.
Visitor of Unreasonable Size
That detail was her size. to say she was enormous would be like calling a lake full of water somewhat damp.
Rocketing Up in Size
At this point it looked closer in size to the largest one in the pack. after regaining consciousness, it finally dawned on him as to what just happened.
Stretching the Size Queen
Story © amethyst mare / arian mabe characters © respective owners **amethyst's advent calendar of kink 2018** **size queen** ** ** **stretching the size queen** ** ** _written by arian mabe (amethyst mare)_ _commissioned by matteh_
Size Difference in Love
Story © amethyst mare / arian mabe characters © respective owners **the christmas season of kink 2021** **size queen** ** ** **size difference in love** ** ** _written by arian mabe (amethyst mare)_ _commissioned by splendidguy44_ _
A Rhino-Sized Wish
Now that was his idea of size and power!
Belial: Matters of Size
Matters of size by von krieger mozdoc yawned and looked at the clock, he was bored. the spell had been pitifully easy to set up.
The Size of the Fight in the Kobold
She'd never been able to properly touch it before, given her quadrupedal anatomy...but their difference in size made the spot seem tiny to rissa.