Stories From Elton High | Chapter 17

They both ordered shrimp-fried rice and it proved to be just as delicious as the menu's broken english had promised. "we should come here more often." sam finished his rice and opened the fortune cookie closest to him. "hmm... it's empty.

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Soul Drinking - Part 3

It was a headache and a half when the imp tried to explain in broken english all the rules, the story of hell, and other things. apparently hell wasn't all fire and brimstone.

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Escaping Wilderness

I got up and quickly apologized in my broken english, getting a smile out of him. he asked if i needed any help, after apologizing of course, and before i could say anything he grabbed my papers and told me to follow him.

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Dogsitting (Incest Story)

Kaeso found hanadi's broken english adorable, especially the confidence in which she spoke, as if she could do no wrong. her head was rest upon kaeso's crotch. an especially awkward situation since the elder dragon slept completely nude.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 95 - Broken Wisdom

"it's just written in broken-english. happens all the time." he returned it. "what's it mean, then? and why'd they capitalize the _d_ in _dash_?" he shrugged. "they capitalize some of the words for emphasis.

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U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 2

"i...he did...he found us...he found us all, chose me...he chose me..." he went on, speaking in horrible, broken english.

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Earth the Second #8

Maybe three." he said, in passable broken english. the teacher smiled. the class was fairly popular, and before the lesson started, a good thirty, thirty five students were there.

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U.C.O.D: Scorn of The Lost, Chapter 1

"i...he did...he found us...he found us all, chose me...he chose me..." he went on, speaking in horrible, broken english.

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Guardian Without Direction Chapter 1: Setting the course.

._ _hold on, cleaning duty, cute tipsy voice, broken english..._ i turned around, expecting to see a friend of mine. guess i was right. the mienfoo was still shouting angrily at me, his voice long since returned to his natural language.

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Chapter 3 - Third Time's a Charm?

Most smiled politely, one or two responded in broken english, and one in fluent. they all wanted to know who i was, where i was from, and i told them the truth. i had just arrived from new york city but i used to be a sailor.

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Straight away, shi grabbed spear, and in broken english, spoke to malcolm. "hold tip human." when he had a hold of the metal barb tip, rurousha proceeded to twist the wooden shaft counter clockwise.

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Hammered and Sickled [RP Log]

Seems ai don't have good as instructor as you, mees." she responds in broken english, this time oddly not having to simulate the accent... it seems natural, moreso than her former one." "ees no problem. am helpink you to learn!"

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