A Tale of Two Foxes
Like a force of nature, oniisan swept across the room to a counter where several uniformed workers were busily serving the numerous patrons of the establishment.
Among the Desert sands
Just like a great city i stood up proud and tall against the forces of nature, dominating them by body and will. and just like a great city the weak and small cower before me for protection, seeking to share in my power.
The force of nature before him drew closer with terrible speed, passing directly over the poor mouse. the mouse was spared from being crushed by the moving mountains, but a great wind came forth along with the shock wave.
Chapter 18: Don't mess with the Raikou!
Scott chuckled, and said "yeah, you're best putting up your hands when encountering a force of nature", and raikou twitched a lip at the comment. j.b wasn't amused. "i assume you consider yourself a force of nature then?"
Choose The Adventure! Prologue
Are very strong, high empathy, and can withstand the forces of nature better than most. great, the mighty hero now has a form and in case you are wondering how you choose examples are ex: feline (tiger). canine (fox). ursine (polar).
Beneath the Blood Red Moon
I hesitated, the bark was gnarled by force of nature and as my paw neared it tamashi cocked his head. "no, no, no! not that one...
War's Oversight - Chapter 04
But whatever strange force of nature had deprived the chakri of plantigrade feet, it had gifted them with an equal measure of both patience and a keen sense of balance.
Love, Unova Style!
Celebi moaned as she tasted the forces of natures large cocks. they tasted musky yet sweet, just the way she always wanted. after a minute of stroking and sucking the boys suddenly felt their orgasm approaching. "i'm cumming!"
Through Hell [Gorgon/Naga TF/TG] Part 2
Think of the umbral scourge as a force of nature. unbiased, dangerous, but predictable. it's the upper hellions we need to really worry about. jal, kah, bartholo and the like.
She was a force of nature, and nature will miss her. i wish i could have made her as happy as she made me. i'm sorry, everyone... i tried." her eulogy had sounded absolutely pathetic to her. she was no poet.
Clear Minds Chapter 11
Chapter 11 sora: peace to think rain is an evil force of nature would be like hating nature. to think death is evil would be like hating death.
Remlus' World
of nature.