The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 3

* * * walking through the military camp while the sun sets, no one dares to approach and challenge two master assassins as gaia leads us to the tent of the general.

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Coming Under Fire (Mild Version)

A doberman barked gruffly at the platoon of strength thirty as two sentries opened the tall chain link fence that secured the entrance to a quiet military camp.

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Coming Under Fire

A doberman barked gruffly at the platoon of strength thirty as two sentries opened the tall chain link fence that secured the entrance to a quiet military camp.

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Prayer and Demon 6 - Changing Camps

Since the sky sported no threat of rain, they enjoyed dinner and a rest for their tired feet before going about setting up the large canopy tent, not nearly as big as the one they'd shared in the military camp but easily enough to hold them all side-by-side

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Beefy's Story: Part 5

The furniture was of the practical type- it was all collapsible military camp type furniture. the bookshelf- well book cases it looked like- were hard-transport-cases with the lids removed, and filled with books and technical manuals.

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 02

Though she had managed to recharge her phone after stealing a solar charger from the military camp she was unable to find teddy through the tracking device she had put on him anymore, no coordinates or sounds being sent to her, only a heavy wave of static.

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The Strange Pokemon in the Wilds Ch. 4

After only about 10 more minutes of walking we seemed to have arrived in the supposed military camp, the people around here were more notably much more i suppose.. testosterone induced in general than the mixture from before.

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Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 10

It would be the stereotypical military camp trainer's voice if he wasn't speaking in a normal tone and not trying to intimidate. yet.- i will be in charge of the physical training, both to put you in shape and get used quickly to swat tactics.

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Large, jagged spikes emerged from the ground along the edges of the circular shadow, surrounding the military camp threateningly, as if it could swallow the camp up in its earthly jaws at any time.

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Rudys Journey

Crash site, canine military camp. "ok, they have foxes to at this camp." mused rudy as he watched the vulpines going about their routine. he saw a good size vehicle take off while he was in the river.

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Ten

To military camp, after chymerage." "cloud," rye moaned sadly, quickly realizing how serious this conversation was. he sighed while he thought of how to respond. "please, come sit with me."

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