First Time Game Master
He didn't know how much of a strain it was putting on the bobcat's spine.
Twinks Across America: 8 - Arizona
The bobcat's name was ash, short for 'ashkii', and he attended university on scholarship.
An Argos Experience - Day Two and Departure
A young blue-furred bobcat wins an on-line contest that promises to be an experience of a lifetime, which a familiar ai is very keen to deliver.
Summer Lovin'
The bobcat pondered, the pointed black tips of his ears twitching. "and what if we weren't caught?"
A PROPER Proper Fusion 1: Bobcat to Bob-Crux
It was a sci-fi story involving his bobcat character being fused with a crux and the adventures that resulted from that.
College, Part II
The unnamed bobcat snorted derisively offstage. kit furtively glanced at the bobcat, then looked back out onstage at his master and friend. "how are you tonight, socorro?!" cried treth.
An Unexpected Connection - An Erotic Fiction One-Shot
Every touch sent electric tingles shooting throughout the bobcat's body.
Late for School
Instead of admiring the flowers alongside the road, he thought back to his dream of the black bobcat.
A PROPER Proper Fusion 3: Finding Limits
If the bobcat had been in charge, he would have run, or at least squirmed to get away, even though that thick digit was rubbing his prostate...too well...
After the bobcat said that though, the wolf grinned a bit and looked over himself, stretching a little bit and flexing his muscles. he was doing it on purpose to tease the smaller bobcat and probably showing off to jenn as well.
Birthday Wishes
And, unfortunately, the bobcat was getting hard, already showing at the tip. roffi finished his brushing and sighed inwardly. "anything else, sahr?" "yes," the bobcat said, waving a lazy paw down at his crotch. "you can finish that."
Never Let You Go (Part I)
Looking down, i saw the bobcat try to force a smile, his wet eyes glistening. "thank you," he said weakly, "for trying to help." "you're welcome," i said, smiling back uneasily. "it's the least i could do." the bobcat took another deep breath.