M Latios x M Wigglytuff
garchomp panted as his cock twitched as he got closer. flygon, not resisting himself, approached garchomp and started teasing garchomp by suckling the tip, winking at garchomp as he was finished off by flygon. "fuck... flygon you slut...
The Human Species Ch.14 - Young Prodigy Lucas
Let's lay the beatdowns on the garchomp and defeat it quickly!" "... which one's the garchomp?" lucario asked, seeing that the scizor was moving a bit ahead of the others. "the ugly one" the gallade said.
A Strange Adventure CH Four
\* then his eyes went wide when the garchomp finally threw her punch. "don't..."
Jim's Chronicles 12: Bonding (Luminos City 2)
The smell of the previous night's love making struck a chord with the garchomp, she moved her talons to poke at her trainer's leg.
Training a new team
Nidorina reaches down to garchomp's clit and rubs it sending bolts of pleasure through her body.
Poke Paradise: Kaito 3
Fernando placed the berry in the garchomp's mouth, and the dragon chewed it in his sleep and swallowed. a few seconds later, he woke up, finding his situation and starting to thrash about. garchomp: what the fuck is all of this shit?!
M Garchomp X M Noivern ~ Playing Like a Lady
One of the garchomp's wet, hardened cocks was deep in his ass, while the other was being positioned toward the noivern's sheath.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 9- Guild Under Siege pt. 1
"perfect," the garchomp replied. "hand me the orb, lono; now's about the time we use it."
Garchomp wants, Garchomp gets
Surprisingly, weighting only about 210 pounds, garchomp doesn't derive its power from mass, but instead from pure muscle strength.
The Giant Tree of Pleasure~
She eyed the garchomp. "nexus." the garchomp stood tall, his claw to his chest, a smirk on his face: all while his eyes closed. lillian nodded, her tails wagging. "right!" viktor caressed his chin. "i see."
Nicobay's long day
"how about we show him the difference between a male and a female," garchomp says already showing off a semi-hard cock.
Omnivice Explination (Work In Progress)
Shi also added lugia and garchomp spinal fins, a garchomp tail, and gave hirself two pairs of eyes with each head.