The Pokemon Harem: Out of the frying pan and into the fire-type

Most of the pokémon nearby were low level pokémon like caterpies and wheedles, but there were some more dangerous pokémon around like beautiflys, and maybe the odd plusle, minus or dunsparce.

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Burning for you - Body heat

He trusted what she said despite the protest of the beautifly in his stomach. he picked up the pokéball in his muzzle again. in truth his mind had made its decision long before now, he had been decided back when he had managed to block her mind reading.

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Chapter Five

"you forget," he said, his body moving to cover mine, his lips touching my own, gentle and fleeting like a beautifly hovering over a flower. "we're not just pokemon, mya..."

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MoN - Ch. 9: Three's Allowed

She was really enjoying hearing the two talk so naturally to each other, although beautiflies fluttered around in her stomach as the anticipation and anxiety grew over what he was about to confess. "she was really nice.

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MoN - Ch. 10: The Sheltered Land

I did like the attention... it felt nice, after getting through the beautiflies in my stomach, i think... but, then again, if it weren't for tango... you wouldn't have done it.' "you alright up there, waltz?"

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Saved from Slavery

It felt like beautiflies were fluttering around in her stomach. the whole concept of happiness was still very new to her, but even more foreign was the concept of love, real love, which she was finally feeling.

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The Persistent Dragon Stirs Up Trouble

The dragon looked up at her human companion once more, and jake began to get lost in her gaze... those electric blue irises seemed to stand out so beautifly with her lavender and yellow scales.

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Teaching the Tango

The anticipation up to this moment was exciting and thrilling, although now that it was within her grasp and only a few seconds away from occurring, that anticipation transformed into timidity as she felt beautiflies flutter around in her stomach.

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