The Writer's Curse
The Writer's CurseThe blinking line on the screen flickered on and off in a steady rhythm. He had timed it. It blinked once per second in perfect sync with his system clock. He began to suspect that it was actually programmed to do that, but he would...
The Curse - Choices
He said that he had been cursed to live alone until his life mate called to him. he said that i had called to him and if i was to be his mate i would have to return in a year to break the curse. he said that he had lived for centuries under this curse.
The Curse - Discovery
#1 of the curse life's changes can coming suddenly and when you least expect it. a group of friends have no idea what a spring break camping trip has in store for one of them.
Curse of the Mannequin
It had to have been some kind of a curse. the earrings must have done it. they'd trick people into wearing them, and when you do, boom, you're store property.
My Curse
V=jmxu2tosuny afi - miss murder -transmission lost- -prayers of the refugee- chapter eight: my curse by havoc "life is like a movie.
Moon Cursed
I cursed myself mentally every step of the way. and i cursed monica and crystal. i'd probably find him sound asleep and exhausted, sleeping alone.
A Burglar's Curse
Only then will the curse lift." the elderly badger gave a slow smile. "and not as the dominant role, you must be submissive, contrite and only then will the curse lift." darrah stared at her with growing horror.
Curse of the Sands
A curse infused with the dormant powersss of creation itself.
My Curse
She had turned and walked away, left with remorse in her heart She had waited for me but no longer She once asked me if I loved her and silence was my reply Knowing I may die alone never seemed to bother me Until the day I realized I was alone on...
The Curse of Genius
The reptile stood in line his eyes gazing upwards at the cranking machinery-- what a cruel fate that he had succumbed to! This was were he toiled away at because of a crime he TRULY did not commit. No one would believe that he, a servant, would not...
Burden of the Curse
Many believed the asses had disappeared because of the curse manec, the sorcerer, had claimed to have put on them for not representing him in his trial within the royal kingdom.
The curse grows
#4 of cursed discovery hype groaned as she grabbed at her right ear. her face scrunching up as an annoying slurping sound continued right into her ear. slurp... slurp... slurp... smack... slurp... finally hype just screamed "shut up!!"