To Fight and Defend: Lost and Found
Michael waited until salamance and flygon returned. "thanks guys. salamance, you can leave your pile for latias. i'll take those flygon." it wasn't long before the fish were gutted, scaled, and filleted.
A Drago-night to Remember
"grehh gnnf grregh," flygon said. cookie would nurture his pokémon for all of eternity. nothing could make flygon happier. his cry was slurred and lost in bliss, but cookie understood what it meant: flygon loved him too.
True Love, At Last
True love, at last (m charizard / m flygon) by mnementh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this lemon is dedicated to my mate, elazul, and to the love that i now share with my beautiful, sexy flygon :) .
To Find a Mate
The femme flygon screeched at him in her language. the male dragonair understood it, and chuckled.
Training Period
It was actually the flygon who broke first.
Earthford Showdown Ch. 2 of 3: Fighting in Riddles
And you should put flygon back in his ball. we can stop by the center on our way home." rachel looked at her flygon again, and it looked back at her with dazed eyes.
Displaced Spirit - Spirit Pt. 1
This timid flygon who couldn't say more than two sentences without stuttering?
Spirit Sold - Spirit Pt. 2
The other flygon seemed to sense this, and put a finger to his lips, prompting a light blush on the shiny flygon's face. the other dragged a finger gently down drake's long neck and over his rounded belly and down to his erect shaft.
A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 21: An Extra Group Member
Lucas took out his dex and scanned flygon his moves: he knew fly, dragon breath, dragon claw, and strength; nice moves for a flygon (if strength was replaced with hyper beam, then he would've had his platinum flygon). "okay then: flygon, dragon breath!"
Chapter 6: Not All Demons Are Evil and Not all Angels are Good. Why Do I Always Find The Exceptions? What The Hell Is Chaos, and What The Fuck is With These Weird Dreams? (Part 2)
flygon nodded and the three of us walked over then slowly carried him outside.
Voremon, Part 2
...umbreon awoke to find flygon gently patting her on the head. she was with the others, sitting at a table as food was brought out to them. they looked down at the delicious pies and flygon nodded his head at them all.
The Rose of the Desert and the Holder of the Storm
Tameri's gaze drifted to celia, who was eyeing her flygon. "ah, i see you managed to get a flygon, just like you said you would." i nodded with a chuckle. "i'm good on my word. after i saw yours, i knew i had to get one of my own."