Gahntuar's Epilogue

The post-civli-war lúgroccae was not strong enough to stand up to the threat of the potestan empire, and alike the circle of five, they were eventually conscripted into the service of the lumen emperor to act as guards and envoys.

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Trade All the Stars

In another twelve minutes, the ring would face ceres' dark side and the ambient light would dim, if only by a few dozen lumens thanks to mirrors and reflective particles far too high up to see.

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Leyline - Chapter 2

The headlights of several trucks blinked on in a blinding display of raw lumen power as men began to shout.

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Vadim Chapter 15: Like Deja Vu

Just then his phone vibrated; he got a text from ivan: 'vadim, you and the rest of the group need to get back in to lumen city, something big is brewing and you need to be here if something happens.'

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The Q Word

"maria, double lumen line on the right. check on that trauma pack of blood and start another thousand bag and blood as soon as it gets here." pressing the stethoscope to the fox's chest, she scowled.

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Chapter four: Transitioning

For the sisters, a lumen sphere burned the longest. sister ingrid took care of sister freya for a long time, who seemed to be slow to catch herself.

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Kioga: Diaplomacy 8 - The Black Widower

The cheetah could not help but pop his own onesie snaps, and the room virtually gained a few more lumens as he revealed his pillowy white diaper to grope it. "very well. i shall demonstrate by action, but i am open to any question." "such as?"

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Companions Chapter 25: Showdown

As more of the head emerged, a white outline swirled around it, and i recognized the energetic lumens as those of a sentinel's portal, but this astounding hipponaur didn't need a sentinel to get here.

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A Change of Heart

The subtle click of current echoed in her right ear as ten thousand lumens of luminosity revealed a plain, similarly etched and decayed set of walls, scurrying straight ahead before twisting sharply to the left, blocking a direct view of her one hundred thousand

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Spare Parts and Analog Hearts

Amber irises grow a few lumens brighter. "i feel so, i don't know how to describe it, so clear right now." "seriously now roxy?

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Technofox 10

The light wasn't bright; technofox was pretty sure she had a flashlight that threw out more lumens; it was there to draw attention, and not to reveal.

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