
When the high cleric returned to his people, he and the other clerics worked in secrecy on just how they were going to try and change their people.

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Finding My Purpose

Was a game that you were destined to lose i have told him things i have never shared with my sisters he knows of the scars i hide from my parents and all the blisters i accrued through my childhood for i tell him all of it a freedom from the secrecy

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Wildtouched Species Data

Other notes: while no coherent culture exists, wildtouched often seek out others of their type, forming(knowingly or not) small enclaves of secrecy where the population is higher than statistically expected.


Precursors: Decisions

There goes what secrecy we have left. and, even more importantly, even if we get what we want, at that point it would be like we were declaring open warfare. the_last_thing we want is a war." "the last thing we can afford is a war, babes.

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Revalation 1: The Boring War

He had grown bored of playing around in the secrecy of his crypt. he was going to bring his beloved plaything to the surface, to let her enjoy some time among her people. that had been the plan anyway...

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Chapter 3

These were dangerous to our secrecy, i would guard them with my life. zach had explained to me the negative effects of his project.

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From the Diary of Jun – Finale: Eprologue

So i handled our channels of communication and protected our secrecy, but we needed someone who could organize. both papers and people. nana made a suggestion that should have been obvious. we'd been friends almost half our lives.


A story about Lars

Lars is sure not even this fox knows what she's looking for: the dathrak's secrecy is even more irritating than his accompolices' untrustworthiness. he sighs and opens the door to his room.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 3c, Making Friends (pt 1)

Within a matter of hours the dragon had to admit that the place, despite the secrecy of its hidden location, did have the expected feel of the church.

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Queen Muz-Ra #15

Tumblr_inline_o792p22nzo1sn6wro_540.png)](https://66.media.tumblr.com/cb6ddbf99cedfe9cea2b929464c3e5c1/tumblr_inline_o792p22nzo1sn6wro_1280.png) | | after months of clandestine meetings and trysts, however, muz-ra found herself growing annoyed at the continuing secrecy

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Kamen Rider Wild - Chapter 10: Rush Headfirst Into Danger

Omega's head snapped up, "'she's opted for secrecy?'" "'yes sir, for the moment.'" another sigh left omega's throat. he sluggishly lumbered forward to begin pacing around the room. "'nexus, review all of your currently assigned objectives.

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The Redeem: Jason's Prologue

I couldn't take the secrecy anymore, so i told everyone. i was gay. i was in love with him. how could i not be? my parents... they actually kicked me out. so i ran after isaac late that night.

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