The Eyes of Twilight
Continuing to mill through the bins, kylen finds a small action figure of "captain sky" a comic book hero. he looks at the shop keeper just find him, snoring sleep. a sigh slips from his lips and then action figure is put back. "best not to bother him."
A New Start Chapter 3: First Kiss
His mother wasn't much of a feminine person; she'd always take jeans and a t-shirt over a dress, and she had no problem playing with action figures and cars when rayne was little, as opposed to dolls or tea sets.
Giving the Ghost
He even had his little kung fu crawfish action figures posed on his dresser. the now nude little bunny burrowed his way into bed, eyes heavy and body weary. so at ease with his new home, he was sleeping even before his eyes had closed completely.
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 6
Plus the action figures, the comic books, the mugs and posters. there are even rumours of a movie being made, but i doubt that'll ever happen." roka shook his head. "i had no idea."
Extreme College Experience: When Two Worlds Collide
"wow, you really are a nerd." he commented, looking around the room at all the comics, posters, action figures in the box, video games, and movies. the only thing not from a comic book shop or video store was brock's text books.
Different Sizes, Chapter One
She watched, however, as climbing out from the bin's lower corner was a small, clearly-disheveled calico cat the size of an action-figure.
The Commputer Wore a Posing Thong
At twenty eight years old, the cheetah still lived in his parents basement, still collected action figures, and still went to the kind of conventions filled with people jocks would love to wail on.
Made for Each Other
Now i'm not a lying kind of guy so i quickly typed in videogames, collecting action figures, watching sci-fi theatre, and writing. if that didn't scare away the girls then my profile picture sure would.
The Computer Wore a Posing Thing
At twenty eight years old, the cheetah still lived in his parents basement, still collected action figures, and still went to the kind of conventions filled with people jocks would love to wail on.
The Kandlin Series - Chapter 1 - Motion to the Motionless
Jade yelled as she packaged the action figure in first zipper. jade placed the troll doll in the back compartment, since there was more room, for books and such. jade was just about to put the rat talisman in the same slot, when she stopped. "bad idea.
Sultra: Dark Apocalypse Chapter 1
Red said and saw her little brother kay sitting on a sofa playing with some superhero action figure. "we are having stew." her mother smiled. he found that from a flea market they have in town that they find from the outside world.
takato want guilmon part 1
It was soft lump and had a tip i figure it was an action figure of my favorite hero jelloman. so went to the headboard and turned on a bendable lame i had up here.