Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 14 - Secrets

He was extremely dangerous and willing to kill anyone for any reason. he can appear on halo by dominating andreas' body and taking control. however, that was a rare occurrence. she smiled as she was healed by her lord. "what is that?"

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Biological Warfare: Chapter 1 - "If This Works"

extremely dangerous! do not approach!" on the table next to the crate was a locked cabinet with glass doors. inside the cabinet were several vials, each one containing a disease far worse than the last.

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Battle for Blair's Soul

This is not some demon's seed filling her with temporary want, this is selfless love, coming from those who would face extreme danger to save her. deep within her psyche, the demon that had corrupted her howls in pain as he disconnects from her.

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Greywell was probably the most easygoing person for miles, but he had never lost a magical fight, knew every schooling of magic and was, by and large, an extremely dangerous man to cross.

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Warhammer 40K: Megafauna

Griffs are extremely dangerous either way due to their extreme sizes. puritan inquisitors are already advocating for full griffin extermination.

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Pokemon Battle Kingdom Profiles

He seems to have a slight split personality that comes out when under stress that causes him to become highly aggressive and an extremely dangerous fighter.

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The realization hit her like a train... she was alone... everything she knew and loved was gone... she was in a strange and possibly extremely dangerous place... with no food, shelter, or water... and all she had was her staff... and yet... instead of flat

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The Captain's Captive- A Captain at Another Captain's Mercy

"the desert is extremely dangerous! not just from monsters and other bandits, but also from sirocco- sandstorms that can tear flesh from bone. you're are foolish for leading those people into the jaws of death."

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 14: Small talk

He decided to reunite with dragons even it would be extremely selfish, extremely dangerous and would even endanger his saviours but he couldn't be alone any longer. all the years he has been alone, every single day he felt more of a animal, a wild beast struggling

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Leurheart II (Chapter 3)

You know this is going to be extremely dangerous..." "i'm sure..." he said, nodding reaffirmingly. we sneaked over to the staircase and looked around before entering the hollow tree. "i don't think anyone saw us..."

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The Master Key

I have to be at every place we are going to attack today and i am the only one who can arm the canisters and arming them before hand would be extremely dangerous to us" patrick explained "you and rachel will be handling the final leg of the mission so the

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Protecting the Line, Draft 1, CH 31

He's more rational than your average serial killer, which is how he can recruit other pedophile victims, and that makes him extremely dangerous, because he won't get sloppy.

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