Growing closer with your dragon part 2
His passionate erotic massage, he slowly brought the dragoness to a previously unknown levels of pulsing, wave like pleasure , like the afterglow of a climax distributed evenly throughout her body and limbs; it filled her abdomen with a wave of expanding, amorphous
Twister, twister!
The soft ground gurgled; his feet sank into the amorphous earth. this was bad, it was up to his hocks; he had to keep still or he was screwed. he spotted a sturdy branch above him.
The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 16
The two auras sat there in meditation as the amorphous one spoke first. "you learn as fast as ever my student. let us pray that your implementation skills are as honed when the time comes to use them." "yes sensei."
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 82
Her people were there, inside the cora's throat, amorphous shapes in the blizzard fused together into a single living entity comprised solely of hunger and hatred, writhing and undulating, thousands of eyes glaring from inside the darkness.
The Pond - Pt.2
The blinded dragon gasped and attempted to pull his hands free while an appendage rose from the amorphous blob, it stretched towards his face and just as blindly as nerki, the slick appendage stroked across the dragon's cheekbefore aiming itself and slipping
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 39
Val, on the other hand, could only scratch her head in puzzlement as all her creations came out looking like amorphous balls of crumpled paper, a stark contrast to the neat line of animals in tim's lap.
Another Night, Another Rift
Where there was an opening, he took it, with not a single movement wasted as he danced through the battlefield, cutting down scores of shadowy, amorphous creatures. they'd been greeted by visitors from the second plane, so it appeared.
User Is Not A Robot. Fixing...
Like it wasn't liquid but a flowing, amorphous solid. the right hand meanwhile grabbed around her face, trying to squeeze the pointed tip before her snout, to pull on the ears, to see if there was anything within the smooth surface she was missing.
Peace, Love and Understanding
The dragon shuddered again as the ooze pooling inside his male-slit suddenly grew into a thin, amorphous tentacle, curling around his limp maleness.
Off the Record: Daesidynian Evolution
** it is when some of the burnt out gases condense to form a state of amorphous sludge-like matter that can be rather annoying to get rid of. **is it toxic?** no but if you're smart enough to find a use for it, go ahead and take whatever you can find.
All About the Smile
His head, his face, his brain all squished out between and around the stallion's digits, and as the equine massage therapist pressed and worked it all back together again just moments later in a now quivering, amorphous doughy ball resting upon the coyote's
Chapter 7 - Story Time
The amorphous creature slobbered and bled over the man. his muzzle was covered in the gross substances until it dried, shutting his mouth closed.