Stargate Annihilation 2
I smile and nod, "stacy, launch 1 firework missile." stacy nods, "got it, sir." she messes with the controls and fires a missile at the enemy's center.
Pandora's Templar - Chapter 37
I don't know jack shit about radioactive waste disposal, let alone how to go about pulling apart a damn russian missile..."
BGL 1: Routine Bout
However, the gasp was a pro, and glam missile was as green as his own skin. as a result, glam missile had been digested by the ratkin 7 times.
Starting Anew Chapter 5
However, the humans have the advantage, launching missiles from maximum range, the missiles streaking in at mach 5.
Krystal and Chase: Hidden Threat p1
Rolling the craft sideways, the first missile passed over her wing. as it did, the second missile blazed under her, darting past as it tried to re-establish its lock.
The Great War - Part 8
Barely having time to react as the missiles bore in.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 8: Unbeatable enemy!
Only one of the missiles redirected itself toward the new heat source and the other one kept tracking lazz. tiger wanghu saw lazz's green fireball and saw the missile following it. "trying to make my missiles hit me huh? that won't work!"
The Digimon Wars Chapter 6 The Battle Begins
He slowly stood up and leaned towards the city, his missile started glowing. ''dark shot maximum power!!'' he shot his missile that was glowing orange, the missile flew towards the citys center.
He raised the right arm of his m.a.s and fired a missile from the wrist launcher.
Turning the Tide
"first section, arm all remaining long range missiles, slave targeting to my telemetry."
The Devil May Care 32
Dusk pushed the missiles harder, guiding them with his mind, detonating their fuel cores to make them fly faster. the spellslingers had only taken half of them, and the missiles were more than three quarters of the way to the house of diel.
Halo: RODST (Chapter One: Mission Complete)
It's only weapons are the missile pods attached to it. the pods are very versatile in what they can carry, whether it is two archer missiles or several sets of smaller missiles.