A movie and a dream

As the movie progressed i ended up paying less and less time paying attention to the movie and more time staring at chris out of the corner of my eye.

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Interlude - At the Movies

Interlude - at the movies by havoc mark was sweating, even though it was pleasantly cool inside the movie theater.

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Movie Night

"so... um... another movie? anything you'd recommend? i'd like to see something with animals in it, but... i've not really watched that many of the movies you have. seems most of them are older, you know." i laughed and nodded.

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No Popcorn for the Movie

Not a popcorn movie i looked up at the marquis above the movie theater entrance, shuffling my feet nervously against the pavement.

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Popcorn and a movie

Then she smiles and says, "daddy can we watch a movie together?" looking up at you with that innocent smile of hers and making you smile in return. "sure baby, you pick the movie and get it started i'll go make popcorn."

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Horror Movies

[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA4MwxWG3C0&feature=player\_detailpage#t=4037s](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA4MwxWG3C0&feature=player_detailpage#t=4037s) Don't mind that you can't understand a word - there's enough sex, violence and horror to keep...


Movie Previews

The couple knows that they can still enjoy the movie because they have at least fifteen minutes before the movie starts.

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Dinner and a Movie

(So, my laptop broke and I've been a bit slow on stories so I decided to do something new since I lost everything else. I was feeling rather subby while playing my soul silver and decided to write... Well, here we are! My first pokeporn!) ...

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Movie Date

Five minutes later, the four of them were in the theater, sitting in the front row, the movie already playing. kim sat on the left of lona and jacob was on lona's right.

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Movie Night

"we need to have movie night more often."

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Movie beach

The slow drum of 20th century faux introduction saved me right up and the movie started. let's just say, i just couldn't concentrate on the movie.

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Movie Night

Murray, more interested in laine than the movies, watched as the rabbit slowly dozed off and left to sit in a chair so that his friend could have more space to lie down and rest.

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