Data Sheet #1

Konrad's official secondary name is also a combination of her first and secondary names. 10: the qfr (quantum fluidity rating) determines how easily an object can move between universes.


File #8 - "Gravestone"

Katteract was convinced that he could do a better job then starfleet engineering corps and developed a quantum drive which was able to travel along the quantum strings between universes and dimensions as well as huge distances.

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Happy Easter! (Shorty)

Her understanding of quantum chemistry was still woefully limited by the resources available to her. half of it was wrong anyways. however it worked faster than it had any right to by human standards.

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Out of Retirement (A1, B2, C7)

quantum entanglement works on a level you can't understand, and it works from a distance that even _i_ don't understand. now.

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Monkey Future Prologue : Downfall of Mankind

Because my dad had been around quantum singularities and black holes so much, its effects were carried on to my own reproductive system, leaving a vast, though small, patch of inverted space in my testicles twain.

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Has Science Failed Me

Most of them having to do with quantum mechanics and other specialized fields, fields in which you would have to be insane to understand. that's why they put sophia on the project.

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Trucking Along 001

With alternate realities spinning off all the time, bookmarking a favorite website can quickly lead to quantum errors.

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United Through Two Worlds Chapter 11

Although, her parents were less than pleased when they found that she had married an atheistic quantum theorist.

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Superstitious (Chapter11, Book8)

"reno, he can un-entangle himself from the quantum time stream." "that's not simple," nevada groused. "we're all grounded to linear time, and move along with the forward time stream. this man can become un-entangled on a quantum level.

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