The date
She goes into the living room and sits down. while kitoth goes into the kitchen to check on the roast. kitoth leans over looking through a small window into the oven and smiles at the pot roast staring back at him.
Introduction Part 2
His nostrils flickered as he once more took in the scent of the roasted flesh mixed with a light herbal mix.
2019-05-10 - Went to Her Womb (Poojawa)
roast for me, roast veggies - mostly broccoli and cauliflower - for you." she snapped her fingers and smacked elaiza's rump, making the mare half-gallop over to the table. "come on, don't let it go cold, i spent all afternoon on it."
Power, Strength & Appetite | Entree+ Sized Comm
The way bouchard held his muzzle in his paw, gently tapping a single claw-tipped digit in contemplation as he examined the succulent roast.
Behind the Shearing Shed | Entree+ Sized Commission
She could not help but smile as she savored the slightly coy, slightly shy expression she gave the lifeless little roast.
A Pair of Pairs
A Pair of Pairs copyright 2015 comidacomida Paul honestly didn't know what to expect when it came to 'intimacy' with Michelle; he'd never actually had sex with a woman before and he still suffered from the discomfort of his horribly failed prom night...
A Different Routine
The clatter of a bottle of pills hitting the bar brought Jasen Devlin's head up from where he had his muzzle in his business management textbook. The scarlet furred fox frowned and swished his tail as he recognized the collection of supplements in the...
Barely Legal
Eli and Soren were deep in the covers of their bed. The sweet-salty smell of musk, sweat, and Eli's wonderful body permeated Soren's nose as they gripped each other for a furious post-sex cuddle session. Soren gently kissed Eli everywhere he could...
Country Stuffin'
Naira, Ardanis decided, was really taking this 'farm' thing too far. At the moment, the busty, curvaceous Holstein-girl was holding the leash to his collar, smiling, relaxed and taking it easy on the soft green grass. She was dressed - if you could...
The Rat Mafia
The door opens hard, bouncing against the wall and closing again. Another swift kick opens it again but doesn't close. "We got him, boss!" Two rats, Tony and Ron, drag a blindfolded white tiger by his shoulders. Tony and Ron sit him in a folded chair,...
The Apple Falls Far - Series Commission for Tomek
The process was laborious, but soon it became clear that his struggling roast-to-be was filling up.
An Odd Holiday Story
Kiev stood up and said "well, guess i have to make a roast now" as he began to pull out his pots and a big pot roast from the meat locker. "that looks delicious" said kodi as he watched kiev season and prepare the meat.