An Endless Voyage Ch 52: Shore Leave Continued
She had been to kentucky before, also for shore-leave, but had not ventured outside of paducah.
An Endless Voyage Ch 51: Shore Leave Continued
"not now son, come on down from there, let's let the admiral and vice admiral enjoy their shore leave." "but i wanna go for a ride, daddy." the boy said. "whats shore leave?" "it means the admiral and i are on vacation, pup." karen said.
"Technically," chirped the otter
"technically," chirped the otter, and settled down on the grassy shore to digest his meal.
The Day is Just Dragon By
Out away from shore, the likelihood that they would make it to shore alive was slim. his decision was made for him.
Wolves of Arcanus (Story Arc I: Galactic Intervention)
"we're in agreement on that but remember, don't let your understandable need for shore leave blind you.
The Cabin: A Tale of Terror; Part 3: The Escape
Finally they had made it to the dock where the boats laid just on shore.
First Encounter
I shook my head, and turned and dove underwater, planning to swim out further away from shore. just as i dove i heard a splash behind me. i quickly surfaced and turned to face the shore. raneth wasn't there. i gasped.
Warming Up
If anything came close to shore she would know by the bell on the string ringing. so far she had no problems since she was far enough up the shore to get up quick when the bell sounded.
The Journal in a Bottle
I did not see land, as i was laying on the floor of my would be wooden coffin, listening to the tranquil sound of shore waves as i waited patiently for my death.
Fish in the Loch
A mystery among many upon the shores of loch ness.
David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.14 - My Hero)
Latias pointing to the same blue and black jackal-like figure lying on the shore. 'oh my god..... it can't be.' david thought shockingly as he saw the figure on the shore was a lucario.
welcome to paradise 2
"you certainly think about everything" said arthur as they walked back to the shore.