Vapor Trails
These small little statements, little signatures would be thrown away and rendered insignificant.
17 (DSV Nautica) Incursion Part 2
The will aura...aki pulled up more data, the cross reference with known draconid signatures. she compared the residual will energy signature from the planet with the detection sign of a draconid creating a wormhole to transverse large distances in space.
St. Haniel Asylum Chapter 1
It was a contract, he knew reading it would only scare him more and decided to just look for the signature lines. a fennec fox from behind entered the room handing something to the doctor. samuel slid over the paper.
The King's Storybook
Just like with felicity, i pulled out of lyla, and received her signature with my tongue....just as she received mine down her now sex hungry throat.
Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 33
The home visit will not be necessary this time, so i just need five signatures and then we are good to go" tony and i add our signatures to the adoption papers, followed by the shaky paws of leo and mikey. the final signature is that of douglas macleod.
The Advanced Class
The ceiling tiles, once covered in signatures, one signature for each graduating senior, were all removed and stacked in the corner. adam couldn't help but feel a little wistful- that could have been his signature on that top tile.
Sonic Fic: Caught and Tied (trade)
Bunnie knew antoine wouldn't be too excited about this, but rather than head for where she figured an exit would be, she followed the sensors in her arm to track down that signature.
Interlude: Starflight
All i have to do is copy his signature and his spell becomes mine." "that's amazing," starsong said, genuinely impressed at her mother's ingenuity. "but wait, how are you able to perfectly match polaris's signature?"
Auren checked in his immediate vicinity for any signatures and smirked as he saw, not to mention heard, someone coming down adjacent hallway.
"extrapolating from our previous encounter, the signature is consistent with the activation of a jumpdrive displacing about eight thousand tons--much smaller than the one on esoth-hån paghuk." dr.
A wild Romp - Commission for FlamingPluto
A rare pinocchio sighting at epcot had allowed him to snap up that signature too so all in all a very productive day. nodding to himself, he turned around only to bump directly into another mascot.
Dogs of War - Chapter 3 - Witch hunter
Cassius looked triumphant "ah, fortune smiles upon me." he said "arafal has one of the few signatures that can be supressed without magic, music can wash away the effects of his signature, i may be able to sleep tonight yet, it'll give me an excuse to use