
"it starts to sink. it starts to sink, down, and down. slowly, sinking down. so heavy, that it sinks." he said. percy's eyes fluttered slightly and his jaw fell a little slack. "so heavy. sinking down and down, all the way to the bottom."

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Day 22 - Goo

sinking deep for me." she said, liquifying and letting the fluffy absol sink into her completely, his purring creating a pleasant vibration inside her as his body sank into her warm belly, and his mind sank into a warm trance.

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Time Served

If anything, it helped distract him from the sink's incessant dripping. "can you do anything about the sink?" nathan questioned the lizard.

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A Guest in the Kitchen

My paws braced on whatever i could find in front of me - the sink, the faucet, the splashguard behind the sink. taylor's chest was pressed firmly against my back, bending me over the sink.

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Werewolf Play Time Part One

The werewolf placed her paw in the sink to lift her master out, tala moved her paw up and out of the sink. tala placed her master on the towel, so he could dry himself. tala sore that her master had lost his underwear.

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Ferrety Fun and Finale

The canine snarled out in pleasure as he felt the knot sink into her depths. he lets go of her butt and grabbed her hips, holding them tightly.

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Getting Dirty At The Mall

I could only watch as she quickly ran up to the sink and turned around, grabbing the back of her tight spandex shorts and tugging them down her thighs as she lifted her shapely skunkette butt over the cold edge of the porcelain sink.

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The Curse of a Werelion's love

The creature pulled darkey off the sink and turned him around and bent him over the sink. darkey looked back as the creature knelt down. "what are you doing?" darkey asked.

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Nuri's moon light fun

The mutt pulled back, almost slipping free, then thrusts forward hard, sinking in.

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A Bathtub Full of Sexiness (Illustrated)

Her head was turned away, hey eyes cast downward, watching herself slowly soften and sink downwards. the lower halves of her legs were already gone as you had entered.

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Hottest in Summer: Someone for Everyone (Side Story)

Leaning against the black marble top counter across from the sink, justin tried to see the doberman as best he could, "hey eric...where's your dad?" he asked, noticing his classmate was all alone in his house under the sink.

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