Lady of the Collar, Introduced
A child was born in a large town, and it was a portentous occasion. After the colonial wars ended, the wide territory of Aetroziythus felt its grip on reality as a whole loosen: superstitions became real, strange amorphous creatures and their tiny yet...
Lightning - Ch3 - Not Exactly
Lightning Chapter 3 - Not Exactly College Material By H. A. Kirsch -- A week after accepting the offer, Trevor received a date and location to meet Dr. Brasseri at the new "transportation depot" in Castleton. He packed his necessities into a...
005 Stranded But Not Lost
It's so steampunk, pure age of mechanisms. your princess is in another castle, and so on and so forth. if there was anything really calculated to get sethkill to come looking for her, or make him go after his brother on general principles, this is it.
Bar Fight!
#1 of stebanaw a short story of a raccoon, in a modern steampunk world, who pisses off the wrong people after his shift. the anthropomorphic raccoon closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with his paws.
Library Lessons.
Any donations would help, please direct them over on paypal to steampunk stallion. it helps make my life a bit easier, and i can keep putting out more stories. please don't mention anything about adult content. thank you.
Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Forty-sixth Entry
Long-term) - 1 \* more hanaro sex scenes (rufus and urtan primarily) - 2 \* imogen develops a spanking fetish - 3 \* fix urtan's throat, let him talk - 2 vote options in progress \* urta/rael/adel/rufus scene; family dynamics in action \* the steampunk
The Second Promise: Chapter 3, The Living Comet
The second promise is a gothic, magic world with steampunk technology. if you like horror and fantasy seen through the eyes of innocence, this may be for you! kyrik disliked forests, but not for the reason many would assume.
"Family Tails" - Chapter 35
._" "_annie mean, "steampunk annie?_" "_yeah._" "_why does_ she _want to know?_" "_she's got as crush on you_." "_say what?!_" "_yeah, she wants to go out with you, and no, i'm not yankin' your tail. she's kinda shy about it_."
Clockwork: City of Gears
A city made up of gears. Small ones that could fit in your palm. Large ones that stand as large as towering skyscrapers. There are no buildings or homes here. At least not the kind that you would be thinking of. Gear driven machines tangle...
Said the joker to the thief
._ _thus continues _the road to mandalay_, a fantasy steampunk story focusing on the trials and tribulations of jonham, lord gyldrane, a young nobleman posted to the frontiers of empire.
Lightning - 4 - Happy Workers
Lightning Chapter 4 - Happy Workers By H. A. Kirsch -- Trevor had forgotten to close the curtain and sunlight beamed into his window via a reflection from the building across the street and woke him up. Once awake, the din of the...
Part Two: Casting Off
When the sun rose in the morning, it was pale and weak. The chill of the previous night wouldn't abate today. Rudan some two hours after dawn, curled into a ball of fur midway down his mattress. The thick sheet was made of cotton that grew around the...