Anxious Youths Series 2016
They being of their teenage years were both with imaginative youthful minds but without much experience in life.
He wasn't large as skunks go, but he had long ago lost the svelte good tone of his youth. "you don't have any bags?" "i do, they're in my car. you?"
Regressive Tendencies: The Beginning (Chapter 1)
# Chapter 1: The Fall in the Spring in the Summer Kammy finally accepted that she was lost in this rainy, sticky, sweaty, miserable jungle. She dropped the armload of firewood she'd gathered - Leander didn't really want it anyway, she was certain,...
Ghostbusters Redux 2 - Improper Guidance - Alternate Universe
His youth had drained from him, his skin growing sallow and his nails ragged. his bones were brittle, his muscles weak. his fingers curled up into arthritis and his eyes glazed over with cataracts.
Furry Youth - Prologue Part 1
"furry youth." enjoy! ^\_^ p.s.
Breaking Point, Chapter III: Youth
--- part iii: youth becca gets pissed. shit goes down.
Overconfidence of Youth and Flame (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The phoenix turned in her chair and gave the Synth a long stare and a sigh as he entered the tucked away room. ~ "I must've done a fine job today, what with this meeting with tha boss, no?", mused the phoenix. ~ The Synth simply glared as he...
Addiction - Chapter Seventeen: Unsupervised Youth
I padded alone through the house wearing nothing but an extra-large sonic youth shirt stolen from brandon's things before he left.
Excuses 2: Free Candy
Oh dear, it seems Casey's gotten talked into covering Kimm's tail, but what has he been talked into? All he knows is that he's got a boner and he's about to go where no bunny boy has gone before: into the evil clutches of...wait, Kimm's having the time...
Soar (2019)
Soar The Mosquito's Plexiglas nose distorted the view to the outside world. Lying prone, stuffed into the stubby nose was fifteen year old Alvin Paulo. The young Doberman admired the scenery from his perch, watching southern Canada...
Charlie and James, Chapter 16 - The Wasted Youth
Charlie and james by ken anderson chapter 16 - the wasted youth _...darkness..._ _the closet smells like freshly-washed clothes. the lack of air inside is almost suffocating.
The Wasted Youth, Chapter 1 - Penance and Reflection
#1 of the wasted youth the sequel to charlie and james. jake is in juvie hall, serving a sentence for distribution. two of his friends are dead. charlie and james are at a loss as to what to do for their adopted son.