To much of a good thing!

Doran's lip's curled up into a leering smile. "i've stuffed a few things... but never pants!" he answered leeringly. "actually i prefer to stuff equines!" the wolf flirted, even though he really didn't.

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Incestuous Pride #1

He held little care at all for her, but his lust addled and foggy mind couldn't stop but force him to stare at the young pair of tits she was showing, his teeth growing into a soft leer at the sight.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep09

That's literally what they would for me," jale leered cunningly, as hazard gave him a troubled look. "you there, the one on the far right. jump off this building."

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Legende der Herzen - Prolog

Wortlos folgte cheherezade ihm aus dem wald hinaus über die leere landstraße bis sie eine kleine stadt erreichten.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Thirty

"good doing business with you, chuckie," zeke said, giving the store owner one last leer before reaching out and flicking the computer behind the desk. i didn't need to look to know it was ruined, just like the others.

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Malakai’s Library

There was a telling quality to his leering eyes, the mark of a pervert so lecherously far gone that he was clearly beyond hope or reason.

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Ein Pferd und ein Greif

Er drehte seinen kopf zu seinem küchentisch und griff schon instinktiv nach der fantaflasche, aber er musste feststellen, dass die flasche erstens leer war und zweitens an der anderen ecke des tisches stand, sodass er zunächst ins leere griff.

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Building the Herd 5

She teased with a leering wink, and grasped that pulsing cock behind the knot. holding it up and squeezing it, rubbing it against her warm, soft breasts.

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 42

Mick quipped, walking forward, looking at silva with a leer, catching the younger wolf's attention. "what a very twisted expression of brotherly love." silva shot the leer right back, gnashing his teeth. "and just who are you?

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The Flame Within: Kapitel 1 - Begegnung

Er richtete sich auf und starrte in die dunkelheit, die so leer schien wie seine seele. wieso wã¼rde es ihm nicht in der nã¤chsten welt besser gehen. was hielt ihn denn eigentlich noch in dieser?

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Toyed with...

He started to yell back over his shoulder... when a soft leering voice purred into his ear. "an excellent choice... and one of my finest pieces." david jumped and spun around, stunned to find the black fox within arms reach of him!

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