Return of the Nine-Tails

Return of the Nine-Tails For FoxLightning By Draconicon Exploring ancient forests and old ruins was something of a thing for Ryan. There were so many different sights to see in the old world, out in nature, that it was impossible for him...

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Do A Barrel Roll - Part 2 (Wolf O'Donnell TF)

The last thing to appear was a sudden weight on his shoulders as a pair of heavy, spiked, shoulder pads appeared on his shoulders giving him a very rough and dangerous looking appearance. "aghh..get..out of my head..."

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An Alien's Appetites

His claws were magenta-colored and sharp; his feet were lavender, with purple-colored nails, and very soft pads. at the tip of his head was a large beak, and behind him was a long tail with a pointed end.

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Judge a Book By Its Teeth

A New Experience Chapter 2 Judge a Book By its Teeth Making sure to keep my, now more... corpulent nether region in check with the underwear I had been wearing when I first... changed. I was still wrapping my head around that. I had changed from a...

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Even if he actually took a swing for the badger, the mitts were so padded that it'd feel like he was getting a gentle brush.

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On Wings of Clay

He rubbed his body up against the gorgeous black pad. even rubbed with fine lotions and oils, her pads were still a little rough, and the friction against his penis made him drool. "please."

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A (fe)male's dragon's woes: Worthy Mate

Surodar chose to remain silent, running his pads up and down along her seed drenched pussy, stoking the shudders wracking her frame, keeping his mate trapped in a state of constant euphoria. worthy mate...he was anything but that.

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A (fe)male's dragon's woes: The Promise

Even then, the sergeant ignored the discomfort, switching towards that broad pad, caressing it. surodar shook his paw free of his grip, earning another of those gruff chortles. "ticklish, eh?" "i'm not a spellcrafter.

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A (fe)male dragon's woes

And she had pads! soft, bean shaped pads looming over a bigger, light yellow central pad. she flexed her toes, even poked her snout at them to make sure her eyes didn't deceive her.

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Much to his relief he found them just as pristine and his pads just as soft and squishy as before.

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Lightning Shoes - (Demonic TF/Paw Stuff Story)

He could feel the warm shaft pressing against the leathery pads of his new body, sliding between them. he could see the organ pulse with blood, the demon clearly aroused by every aspect of his possession.

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